English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to get the total memory of a process which fork many children in linux with shell?


I use africagrep http://europa.rep-v grep:

root     14347   3220  /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   14348   2400  /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   14349   2400  /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   14350   2400  /usr/sbin/httpd

我可以简单地积累RSS的田地,以获得[http://www.d]的全部记忆。 3220+2400+2400+2400 = 10420

但我知道,儿童进程已分享记忆。 这里有一些多余的计算方法。 实际上,记忆使用的总规模可能低于10420。






Valgrind is probably your most exact choice, but can be a bit awkward to use, and is not reasonable for a production system because of performance (virtually none).

Smem (homepage) (manpage) is a less complicated alternative. PSS process set size is what you re looking for.


ps aux | grep chrome | grep -v grep | awk  {s+=$5} END {print s} 

请注意,5美元实际上可能有所不同,取决于<代码>ps aux <>code> /code> 实际显示其产出。 这可能对你有用,也可能不有用,也显示用药的总使用量。

I m looking for this answer as well. I ve already found one which works. That is running the service in a container like Docker. Then use docker container stats $containerid


CONTAINER ID   NAME             CPU %     MEM USAGE / LIMIT     MEM %     NET I/O         BLOCK I/O        PIDS
329f402b9f2e   test-apache2-1   0.15%     2.677GiB / 31.01GiB   8.63%     395MB / 159MB   77.9MB / 819kB   21

I m not sure which feature of containers is allowing this. Is it cgroups? Is it namespaces? Is there a lightweight way to do measure memory from multiple processes without requiring something like Docker or LXC?

我确实知道,这里的数字是准确的。 或者至少比把所有记忆从纸上或顶上加在一起更准确。

There are a couple of ways to accomplish what you re asking here. One involves parsing procfs which doesn t require "root" privileges and the other is using the Taskstats (a Netlink interface) which does.

如果你能够利用Generic Netlinksocketsbyex获得最优的间接费用。

I have a working solution using the first solution that parses procfs:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import sys
import time

class ShMemMonitorProcess(object):

    def __init__(self, ppid):
        self.ppid = ppid
        # Create a Sub-Class for Thread module
        self.memory = { kB :1024,  mB :1024*1024,  gB :1024*1024*1024}
    def calculate_memory(self, vmrss):
        memory, size = vmrss.split()
        return int(memory) * self.memory[size]

    def scrape_procfs(self):
        rss = 0
        child_ps = dict()
        start = time.time()
        while (time.time() - start) < 100:
            for pid in filter(lambda p: p.isdigit(), os.listdir( /proc )):
                    # open /proc/PID/status but catch as some can be ephemeral
                    with open( /proc/{}/status .format(pid)) as fh:
                        ppid = [i for i in fh.readlines() if i.startswith( PPid )]
                        if not ppid:
                        ppid = ppid[0].split( 	 )[1].strip( 
                        if ppid == self.ppid:
                            with open( /proc/{}/status .format(pid)) as fh:
                                vmrss = fh.readlines()
                                vmrss = [i for i in vmrss if i.startswith( VmRSS )]
                            if not vmrss:
                            vmrss = vmrss[0].split( 	 )[1].strip( 
                            ps_rss = self.calculate_memory(vmrss)
                            if not child_ps.get(pid):
                                with open( /proc/{}/comm .format(pid)) as fh:
                                    comm = fh.readlines()
                                    print( Found Child Process {}! .format(pid))
                                print( Adding Process to Hash... )
                                child_ps[pid] = ps_rss
                                rss += ps_rss
                                # re-calculate process memory
                                print( Process was already found running... )
                                print( Re-calculating memory usage... )
                                previous_rss_used = child_ps[pid]
                                if previous_rss_used > ps_rss:
                                    memory_adj = previous_rss_used - ps_rss
                                    rss -= memory_adj
                                elif previous_rss_used <= ps_rss:
                                    memory_adj = ps_rss - previous_rss_used
                                    rss += memory_adj
                                child_ps[pid] = ps_rss
                            print( Bytes....{} .format(rss))
                except FileNotFoundError:

if __name__ ==  __main__ :
    # Pass the Process ID through STDIN on calling
    pid = sys.argv[1]
    shmem = ShMemMonitorProcess(pid)


python ./Find_RSS.py 1234
Found Child Process 12541!                                                                                    

22:54:40 [12/222]
[ Privileged Cont
Adding Process to Hash...                                                                                                          
Found Child Process 12606!                                                                                                         
[ WebExtensions
Adding Process to Hash...                                                                                                          
Found Child Process 12666!                                                                                                         
[ Utility Process
Adding Process to Hash...                                                                                                          
Found Child Process 14803!                                                                                                         
[ RDD Process

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