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Batch 文档和USB动力信
原标题:Batch file and variable USB drive letters

I m试图创建备份目录,使Ausnis真实形象和备份维护自动化。


My batch resides in C: My batch will call ATI. ATI dumps an image onto C: The batch then looks for my external based on its volume serial number like so:

SET found=

0>NUL SET /P=Searching for external drive...

FOR %%N IN (D E F G H I J K L M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO (
IF defined found CALL :MOVE
VOL %%N: 2>NUL | FIND "%sn%" >NUL && CALL :MOVE %%N

ECHO  Fail^^!

ECHO Connect it now and cancel "Autoplay".

ECHO Press any key to try again...


:: ***MOVE BACKUP***



Find the correct external device based off of serial number. (As above) Grab the correct drive letter and turn it into a variable. Break out of the FOR IN DO loop when the drive letter is found and make it a variable. Use variable to check if a folder exists. If the folder doesn t exist, create it. If the folder does exist, check if MyBackup.tib exists within. If so, delete the file. CHDIR or somesuch back to where the batch resides, (C:) and MOVE the newly created backup into the folder on the external.


PLEASE, can you help!? I ll give you a cookie, lol!

I m running Windows 7 Ultimate if that helps...


序号是六dec英的缩略号(thrown类的 d泥被thrown成千分母体)。

W 中等收入国家的体积,序列Number <>/code>可用于列出所有带有序列号的载体信,编号为 de。 页: 1 我在指挥线上用以下指挥器将你的太阳显赫转换成精细表:set /a 0x30BCF5A4


set SN=817690020
set "extDrive="
for /f %%D in ( wmic volume get driveLetter^, serialNumber ^| find "%sn%" ) do set extDrive=%%D
if not defined extDrive echo Error finding external drive & exit /b

我不理解你所谈论的翻番的名字。 我假定你有一个具有一定价值的变化。 我只字不提变的“夹”。

set folder=someFolderName
if not exist "%extDrive%\%folder%" mkdir "%extDrive%\%folder%"


move /y "c:MyBackup.tib" "%extDrive%\%folder%"


Say some photos you need to back up are in directory ac on our drive, whose letter changes between computers. And, you want to back your photos up to your main drive, to directory xyz on the main drive (drive C:)

set /p Path="Enter the drive letter for your drive on this computer. No symbols, just the capital letter"
xcopy /e /v  %Path%:ac c:xyz

You could even ask for the path to back up to, like this...

set /p Path="Enter the drive letter for your removable drive on this computer. No symbols, just the capital letter."
set /p PathBackUp="Enter the path to where you want your data to be backed up on this computer. Start with a backslash."
set /p BackupDrive="Enter the drive letter for your data to be backed up to on this    computer. No symbols, just the capital letter."
xcopy /e /v  %Path%:ac %BackupDrive%:%PathBackUp%

set /p Path="Enter the drive letter for your removable drive on this computer. No symbols, just the capital letter."
set /p DataPath="Enter the path where your data to be backed up is. Start with a backslash, and don t include the drive letter.
set /p PathBackUp="Enter the path to where you want your data to be backed up on this computer. Start with a backslash, and don t include the drive letter."
set /p BackupDrive="Enter the drive letter for your data to be backed up to on this    computer. No symbols, just the capital letter."
xcopy /e /v  %Path%:%DataPath% %BackupDrive%:%PathBackUp%


For more info about the xcopy authority and modifiers, see

For more info about the set direct, see


@echo off

for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2,3,4 " %%i in (`wmic logicaldisk get caption^,description^,drivetype 2^>NUL`) do (

if %%l equ 2 (
echo %%i is a USB drive.


echo off

set /p Path="Enter the Drive Letter of the source File then press enter___"

set /p Pathde="Enter the Drive Letter of the Destination File then press enter___"

echo on

COPY %path%:UsersDellDesktop	est.txt %pathde%:	est.txt



The lpath programeck all available 软盘,只要有目录或软盘的名称,并退回目前用于批量文档的驱动信:


mkdir f:USB-DISK1

2. 解决驱动信:

lpath USB-DISK1:myImagesHouse

<g:myImagesHouse, 而USB磁盘目前被分配到驱动信g:


setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set input=USB-DISK1:exportsweekly
for /f "tokens=*" %%r in ( echo !input!^| lpath ) do set input=%%r
echo resolved directory is: !input!

更方便的方式是建立一个<>>>>。 连同灯塔。 外部方案

@echo off
rem lset.cmd - set variable with resolved label path
rem [00] 01.05.2019 CWa Initial Version
rem [02] 15.06.2019 CWa ++
if not {%COMPUTERNAME%}=={!COMPUTERNAME!} echo %~n0-ERROR: use this function with  setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion  only & exit /b 7

rem USAGE: liblset variable "path"    - set variable with resolved label path

set __lset_path=%~2
if {!__lset_path!}=={} set %1=& exit /b
for /f "tokens=*" %%r in ( echo !__lset_path!^| "%~dp0lpath" ) do set %1=%%r
set __lset_path=


setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
call lset input USB-DISK1:exportsweekly
echo resolved directory is: !input!

更详细的手册见:lpath - 扩展了含有标签的道路。



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