English 中文(简体)
页: 1 io not working on heroku
原标题:socket.io not working on heroku





页: 1

"dependencies": {
"async":     "0.1.18",
"ejs":       "0.4.3",
"express":   "2.4.6",
"faceplate": "0.0.4",
"socket.io": "latest"   },


var port=process.env.PORT || 3000;
var http=require( http );
var app=http.createServer(function(req,res){
    res.write("server listening to port:"+port);
io.configure(function () { 
  io.set("transports", ["xhr-polling"]); 
  io.set("polling duration", 10); 
    console.log("new connection");


你们需要改变运输选择。 根据

网上运输正在按州Heroku进行。 您可以使用<代码>heroku labs:可浏览的网页目录。 - APP_NAME

这些都是有待解决的问题。 2. 与环境有关的问题


  1. Ports in your (index.js or server.js) & (index.html and your client.js) port must be different. (refer below code)

=============your index.js file ======================


const express = require("express")
var app = express();
const http = require( http )
var server = http.createServer(app);
const port = process.env.PORT || 8000
    console.log("Listening at port => "+port)
var io = require( socket.io )(server, {
    cors: {
      origin:  * ,

const cors = require("cors")

===========your 客户档案 ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================


const socket = io.joint(电话:1) http:// localhost:8080/ iii

===========your 指数.html ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================


 <script defer src="https://localhost:8080/socket.io/socket.io.js"> 



  1. 你们总是使用http://www.un.org。 io(见上文代码)

  2. U可能不包括 co,因为它使u能够拥有更多的资源,而没有rs子会阻止一些附属公司不在其oku(见上文代码)安装。

  3. 将“O”改为“io.link”。

    const socket = io.joint(电话:1) http:// localhost:8080/ iii

  4. 最终必须用超文本书写标签

  5. 美国可能忘记,在“备注”中加入这一法典。

页: 1

  1. delete "node_modules" and "package-lock.json" and write "npm i" in cmd

  2. This should be in package.json s scripts

    “启动”:“node index.js”,

I am not talking about nodemon , use simple node over here

  1. 也许版本正在形成一个问题,u 可以通过将所有“发展中国家”复制到“包装......json”中的“独立性”来避免这一问题,并将“*”文本照样。

    “独立性”: 页: 1




    “s agenda.io”:“*”


    dev "Depends”.{}

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