English 中文(简体)
显示从Zentd_form回收的 com箱的内容
原标题:display the content of a combobox recover from Zend_form

I have a form with a combobox

  /*Business user type*/
            $Busertype = new Zend_Form_Element_Select("Busertype");
        $Busertype ->setLabel( Business user type )
          ->addFilter( StripTags ) //StripTags : Enlève les caractères HTML
               -> setMultiOptions(array(
                                 0  =>  -Select your business type- ,
                     1  =>  Owner ,
                                     2  =>  Suplier ,
                                     3  =>  Representative ,
                                     4  =>  Shop 

我想检索 com体的内容,但当一读echo($busername)时。 i 检索 com贝箱的价值。 因此,如何显示 com船箱的内容

Part of the action

  $form = new Application_Form_Inscriptionbu(); 
     $this->view->form = $form; //nous assignons le formulaire à la vue pour affichagee
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {  //Le formulaire est-il posté ?
     $formData = $this->getRequest()->getPost(); // récupère les infos des formulaires

     if ($form->isValid($formData)) { //Si le formulaire passe la validation
        $v = $form->getValues();
        $busername =$v[ Busername ];


if ($form->isValid($formData)) { //Si le formulaire passe la validation
    $v         = $form->getValues();
    $busername = $v[ Busername ];

    echo "You selected $busername which is called " . 
         $form->getElement( Busername )->getMultiOption($busername) . 
          <br /> ;


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