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How do I update the ItemsSource for a WPF ComboBox without losing the Text typed into the ComboBox

I have a WPF ComboBox (IsEditable = True) that is being populated with items based on the Text entered. I have a property that is bound to ItemsSource. This property is updated in a KeyUp event handler on the ComboBox.

The issue I m having is that when all the text is selected and a new key is pressed - replacing all the highlighted text with a new character - the new character is removed from the ComboBox when the property bound to ItemsSource is updated and I end up with no text. Additional characters entered will stick around.

The end affect is that entering the ComboBox and then typing ab ends up removing the a then searching for b and displaying only b as the Text.

Is there a way to prevent this?


It sounds like what you are looking for is AutoComplete functionality.


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