我试图在达詹戈使用电文,但这种观点根本不会造成这种信息。 我有:
意见。 y
messages.success(request, Test message. )
return render_to_response( base.html )
<ul class="messages">
{% for message in messages %}
<li class="{{ message.tags }}">{{ message }}</li>
{% endfor %}
for message in messages.get_messages(request):
print message
它每当我称之为观点时都印制了信息,因为我最后使用这一功能,因此它肯定会节省某些地方的信息。 这只是没有送交模板。
- Django version = (1, 2, 3, final , 0)
- I added django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages to TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS. Note: I had no TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS even though it s supposed to be there since Django 1.2 so I just added it. I guess that it might not be working properly and that this might be the problem, but I don t know how to check if it is properly configured.
- I followed https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/messages/ to set it up.