Created a new Server 8 machine. Testing out a .net + SQL Server 2012 site. I am trying to remotely connect to the machine but in order to do so I need to enable TCP/IP protocol. If I try and do it visually through the Computer Management Console I get some strange behavior in that if I try to select any Yes/No dropdown list it simply gives me a blank list and I cannot change the value. I can enable the TCP/IP as a whole by selecting it from the context menu in the config, but when I go into the properties I get enabled = No for all IP1, IP2, etc... areas.
PS SQLSERVER> $MachineObject.getsmoobject($tcp.urn.Value + "/IPAddress[@Name= IP2 ]")
Parent : Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Wmi.ServerProtocol
IPAddressProperties : {Active, Enabled, IpAddress, TcpDynamicPorts...}
IPAddress :
Urn : ManagedComputer[@Name= WIN-LLJKBQ6OVVR ]/ServerInstance[@Name= MSSQLSERVER ]/ServerProtocol[@Name
= Tcp ]/IPAddress[@Name= IP2 ]
Name : IP2
Properties : {}
UserData :
State : Existing