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我如何通过谷歌应用发动机发送JSON-formatted cookie数据?
原标题:How can I send JSON-formatted cookie data using Python on Google App Engine?

I m trying to encode an object in a Python script and set it as a cookie so I can read it with client-side JavaScript.

我每次都试图这样做,都会遇到问题。 一般说来, co的形式使JSON.parse()解体。


cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
data = {"name": "Janet", "if_nasty": "Ms. Jackson"}
cookie[ test ] = json.dumps(data)
self.response.headers.add_header("Set-Cookie", cookie.output(header=  ))


test="{"name": "janet"54 "if_nasty": "Ms. Jackson"}"


我并不真的想引入一种ck折的解决办法,以取代 appear马的事例。 我如何通过复杂的数据结构(通过建立读书库)与“Sharma”进行思考?


我也想读到客户的一台厨师(在服务器上安装)。 我以第64号基调来处理这个问题,但也有少数小道子参与这种做法。

图1:64 显示线以0-2号等同标志告终,这些迹象正被转化成75。 我的做法是将这些特点重新归为客户的同等性质。

2. 第64号基体在 co中被置于双重引号之上。 我删除这些内容。


nav_json = json.dumps(nav_data)
self.response.set_cookie( nav_data , nav_b64)


var user_data_base64= $.cookie( nav_data );
// remove quotes from around the string
user_data_base64 = user_data_base64.replace(/"/g,"");
// replace 75 with =
user_data_base64 = user_data_base64.replace(/\075/g,"=");
var user_data_encoded=$.base64.decode( user_data_base64 );
var user_data = $.parseJSON(user_data_encoded);

I am using 2 jquery plugins here: https://github.com/carlo/jquery-base64 and https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie

Note: I consider this a hack: It would be better to re-implement the python code that encodes the cookie in javascript, however this also has the downside that you would need to notice and port and changes to that code.

现在我已转向一种解决办法,即我使用一个小的html文档,把 co子放在客户一边,然后转到所要求的实际网页上。 这里是我使用的JINJA2模板的一个幻灯片:

<script type="text/javascript">
var nav_data= {% autoescape false %}{{nav_data}}{% endautoescape %} ;
$.cookie( nav_data , nav_data, { path:  /  });

Note 2: Cookies are not ideal for my use case and I will probably move on to Session or Local Storage to reduce network overhead (although my nav_data is quite small - a dozen characters or so.)


On the Python side:

  1. json.dumps the string
  2. escape spaces - just call .replace( , %20 )
  3. Call urllib.parse.quote_plus() then write the string to the cookie


  1. read the cookie
  2. pass it through decodeURIComponent()
  3. JSON.parse it


不能确定 co是这样做的最佳方式? 见,开始向客户提供数据。

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