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原标题:load any static site in liferay portal


Can we just load any static content website, just by passing its URL to a liferay portal. It will be something like if portal can behave like a browser, except that it always has to load the same url, and provide navigation within that site.



您需要在您的网页上安装Impacte Portlet,并制作src,称号是静态的。


Iframe portlets are designed especially for this purpose. All you need to do is to specify the url and the iframe can be added into the main page.

这并非全部。 你们还可以将金字塔的可见度限制在少数角色或使用者身上。 你们可以将用户分类给特定群体,并可准许发挥具体作用,以便他们只能看一看。

You can manually set the size of the iframe or can allow it to adjust to the screen automatically.


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