English 中文(简体)
2. 以更灵活的方式减少属性
原标题:Decorate properties with attributes in a more flexible manner


public class BaseClass
  public int Id { get; set; }


public class SomeClass : BaseClass
  ... more properties ...


In my case I m using ASP.NET MVC 3 s EditorForModel to render Views, 以及 it s common to decorate properties with attributes such as [Display(Name = "Id"), Required]

But lets say I would want to decorate the properties of BaseClass in different ways for every class that inherits it. In SomeClass I may want to decorate Id with [Required] 以及 in OtherClass I might want to decorate it with [SomeCustomAttribute].

Is there a way to this?


public class SomeClass : BaseClass
  public SomeClass()
    WithProperty(x => x.Id).AddAttribute(new RequiredAttribute());

  ... more properties ...

贡献是静态元数据。 组件、单元、类型、成员、参数和回报值是C#(如系统)的第一流物体。 类型类别仅反映了一种类型的代表性。 如果财产具有可仲裁性,那么你就可以获得某种特性的证明,并改变其特性,但这种特性对属性产生了影响,因为它适用于该特性的类型。


您可以宣布财产为虚拟财产,并在衍生物类别中予以推翻。 否决了特定类别特性和所有类别都适用的任何属性。

Be sure that attributes applied to base properties are not themselves decorated with the AttributeUsageAttribute with an Inherited value of false (the default is true). If an attribute s AttributeUsage specifies Inherited == false then an overriding property will not inherit the attribute. See the documentation for more information.

不可能将属性与个别物体的属性分开。 它是具体元数据类型。 如果你真的需要,你将不得不执行你自己处理具体情况的属性管理。

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