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原标题:Inserting 2 values to MySql from a single selection tag of drop down menu



if ((isset($_POST["MM_insert"])) && ($_POST["MM_insert"] == "form1")) {
$insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO menu (food, image_extension) VALUES (%s, %s)",
GetSQLValueString($_POST[ food ], "text"),
GetSQLValueString($_POST[ image_extension ], "text"),

mysql_select_db($database_menu, $menu);
$Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $menu) or die(mysql_error());

$insertGoTo = "menu.php?status=choosen";
if (isset($_SERVER[ QUERY_STRING ])) {
$insertGoTo .= (strpos($insertGoTo,  ? )) ? "" : "?";
$insertGoTo .= $_SERVER[ QUERY_STRING ];
header(sprintf("Location: %s", $insertGoTo));

I m trying to insert values of 2 columns (food & image_extension) from each selected tag of the following dropdown list to MySql but it can t insert data to image_extension column. It only update food column.

<select name="food, image extension" class="dropdownmenu" input id="food" value="<?php echo $_POST[ food ].$_POST[ image_extension ]; ?>"> 
<option value="selected="selected">Select Food</option>
<option value="Pizza, pizza.jpg">Pizza</option>
<option value="French Fry  frenchfry.jpg">French Fry</option>

I m confused about how to put values in the following three attributes of the above dropdown list properly in this case?

1. <select name="food, image extension" 
2. <select value="<?php echo $_POST[ food ].$_POST[ image_extension ]; ?>" 
3. <option value="Pizza, pizza.jpg">Pizza</option>



选择不使用两种不同的名称,而只是粗略地 gr取某些菜单的价值,将其变成一个阵列。


$food = explode (",", $_POST[ food ]);

//$food[0] will equal Pizza, $food[1] will equal pizza.jpg
$insertSQL = "INSERT INTO menu (food, image_extension) VALUES ({$food[0]}, {$food[1]})";


<select name="food" class="dropdownmenu" id="food">
<option value="Pizza, pizza.jpg">Pizza</option>
<option value="French Fry, frenchfry.jpg">Pizza</option>

The problem has been solved anyway with the precise guideline of an expert fellow in www.phpbuilder.com I m presenting the whole solved scenario below:

if ((isset($_POST["MM_insert"])) && ($_POST["MM_insert"] == "form1")) { 

//("," Comma within the double quote shall be used as delimiter here) 
$food=explode(",",$_POST[ food ]); 
$insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO menu (food, image_extension) VALUES (%s, %s)", 

// The column names in the following string should be replaced by the newly created 
// array elements along with trim function to remove any unexpected white space.       

GetSQLValueString (trim($food[0]), "text"), 
GetSQLValueString (trim($food[1]), "text");

mysql_select_db($database_menu, $menu); 
$Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $menu) or die(mysql_error()); 

$insertGoTo = "menu.php?status=choosen"; 
if (isset($_SERVER[ QUERY_STRING ])) { 
$insertGoTo .= (strpos($insertGoTo,  ? )) ? "" : "?"; 
$insertGoTo .= $_SERVER[ QUERY_STRING ]; 
header(sprintf("Location: %s", $insertGoTo)); 


 <select name="food" class="dropdownmenu" input id="food" 
 value="<?php echo  $_POST[ food ]; ?>">
 <option value="selected="selected">Select Food</option>
 <option value="Pizza, pizza.jpg">Pizza</option>
 <option value="French Fry  frenchfry.jpg">French Fry</option>

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