我想在一份清单中使用指派操作员。 我如何能够这样做?
下述法典无效。 1. 如果与<条码>爱国者/代码”相匹配,我就将<条码>t[0]条码>设定为空示<条码>。
[ lst[0] = for pattern in start_pattern if lst[0] == pattern ]
我想在一份清单中使用指派操作员。 我如何能够这样做?
下述法典无效。 1. 如果与<条码>爱国者/代码”相匹配,我就将<条码>t[0]条码>设定为空示<条码>。
[ lst[0] = for pattern in start_pattern if lst[0] == pattern ]
页: 1
,允许在(除其他事项外)背书上进行转让。 这个新运营商也称为航海经营者。
Syntax and semantics
In most contexts where arbitrary Python expressions can be used, a named expression can appear. This is of the form
NAME := expr
is any valid Python expression other than an unparenthesized tuple, andNAME
is an identifier.The value of such a named expression is the same as the incorporated expression, with the additional side-effect that the target is assigned that value:
www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc 配对器
if (match := pattern.search(data)) is not None: # Do something with match
A loop that can t be trivially rewritten using 2-arg iter()
while chunk := file.read(8192): process(chunk)
www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc 重新使用昂贵价值计算
[y := f(x), y**2, y**3]
www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc 理解过滤条款与其产出之间的分量表示
filtered_data = [y for x in data if (y := f(x)) is not None]
最近释放的甲型六氯环己烷版本(没有建议生产系统!)已经提供。 http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0569/#id6“rel=“noreferer” 页: 1
It looks like you are confusing list comprehension with looping constructs in Python.
详细名单——名单! 它不准许在现有清单中进行单一转让。 (你可以施以酷刑......)
for pattern in patterns:
if lst[0] == pattern: lst[0]=
That is a reasonable way to do this, and is what you would do in C, Pascal, etc. But you can also just test the list for the one value and change it:
if lst[0] in patterns: lst[0] =
for i, sublst in enumerate(lst):
if sublst[i][0] in patterns: sublist[i][0]=
If you want to apply something to each element of a list, then you can look at using a list comprehension, or map, or one of the many other tools in the Python kit.
l=[[ x for x in range(5) ] for y in range(4)] #init a list of lists...
for i in range(4):
for j in range(5):
l=[[ new value if j==0 else l[i][j] for j in range(len(l[i]))] for i in range(len(l))]
for i,outter in enumerate(l):
l[i][0]= new value
转让是一份声明,即使 s子有时会把你引向一种表述(例如a=b=99
)。 虽说是特别的辛加特案,但并不意味着b=99
然而,这只是将清单项目作为内部转换成一种方法(允许制造类似清单的物体),而方法呼吁是表述。 因此,您可在技术上使用项目清单,以表示:
[ lst.__setitem__(0, ) for pattern in start_pattern if lst[0] == pattern ]
但是,这被视为不好的,因为它使可读性变得有利,而阅读来源代码的容易程度是main Focus in the-030 Language。 例如,你应写字。
for pattern in start_pattern:
if lst[0] == pattern:
lst[0] =
if lst[0] in start_pattern:
lst[0] =
清单核对表用于其收益价值,并在内部进行。 如果你想要的是 lo子,那就只写了一个 lo子......谁会读到这部法律,试图理解它所做的事情,那将让很多人(无论谁在几个星期里就包括休妻)。
简言之,你没有。 清单核对表是为了编制清单,而不是修改现有清单。 如果你想要修改一份清单,就象他们想要做的那样,使用一种选择。
for pattern in start_pattern:
if lst[0] == pattern:
lst[0] =
#the following assumes that pattern will never be
#if that s possible, you can ignore this bit
If the variable you want to assign to is a mutable sequence or a map (such as a list or a dict)
list.__setitem__(index, value)
不仅仅是<条码> 签名条码>。 我们可以在<条码>exec中作任何python表述评价。
In your case, it could be achieved by
[ exec(f"lst[0] = ") for pattern in start_pattern if lst[0] == pattern ]
[ exec("p.age_status=child") for p in persons_obj_list if p.age <= 18 ]
Note: This will change the state of existing objects of a list and will not return the list of objects as it returns in normal use of list comprehention.
[ lst[0] = for lst in listOfLists if lst[0] == pattern ]
[ lst[0] = for lst in listOfLists if lst[0] in patterns ]
[ [ ] + lst[1:] for lst in listOfLists if lst[0] == pattern ]
一、背景和框架 again
[[ ] + lst[1:] for lst in listOfLists if lst[0] in patterns ]
假设你有<条码> 字典条码>,如:
>>> fruits
[{ name : apple , quantity : 5}, { name : banana , quantity : 4}]
>>> [d for d in fruits if d[ name ] == apple ]
[{ name : apple , quantity : 5}]
>>> [d for d in fruits if d[ name ] == apple ][0][ quantity ] += 1
>>> fruits
[{ name : apple , quantity : 6}, { name : banana , quantity : 4}]
I can suggest you, use a class instead of using variables to assign values. When you use a class you can simply change the class value and then return the result.
def foo():
class result:
def __init__(self):
self.key = 0
self.value = 0
def change(self, key, value):
self.key= key
self.value= value
return key
result_object= result()
class_result= [result_object.change(key, value) for key, value in temp_dict.items() if value > result_object.value][-1]
return class_result
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