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如果他忘记了App的密码和安全答案,则采取其他办法帮助用户。 净额
原标题:Alternative approach to help user if he forgets his password and security answer in Asp.Net

I am using Asp.Net Forms Authentication , I am storing passwords in Hashed format and I do require a Question and Answer.My question is that what happens if a user forgets his security question s answer and his password.So without that I wont be able to generate a random password.What happens in such case , is the user left with only option to create a new account .Or should I link a table to store his question and answer in plain text and then pass the answer while resetting the password.I am sure you guys might have seen this a lot of times.How can I solve this. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks


如果用户不了解他/她的问题/回答,你可以总是有系统发送电子邮件,链接到密码恢复网页。 在这里,你可以问问他们,根据他们在创建账户时掌握的更敏感的信息,他们知道答案(姓名、地址等)。

Be 警告,只有在贵方网站不像银行网站,而且安全地点低的情况下,才能做到这一点。 否则,将遵循Walter s和AakashM在安全论坛的建议和职位。


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