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Lexical or Preprocessor issue / xmlversion.h 在Sito使用Sudzc/VTK时没有发现。
原标题:Lexical or Preprocessor issue / xmlversion.h not found when using Sudzc/VTK in an iOS app

我在XCode 4.3.2中建立了VES,并正在修改Kiwiviewer。 Kiwi建造并实行罚款,因此,我现在试图在我手里建立Sudzc(做的是单枪)。 I ve follow the tutorial here,但在修改负责人时段,他的手料在建造和操作时,地雷却带有各种错误。 首先,它造成了150起错误,其行文如下:

Lexical or Preprocessor Issue
Invalid token at start of a preprocessor expression


#include "xmlversion.h"

in a file tree.h, which is a part of vtkmodular/Utilities/vtklibxml2/include/libxml/tree.h.

改用“带”和“推”;(就类似问题提出建议)则引出另一个精度或预处理器问题,而这个时候没有发现Xmlversion.h文档,似乎全都存在于卷宗树中。 我的项目“纳格托人”的档案(在“xmlvert.h”号上进行了细微的扫描)确实装上了档案,因此它理解了这一点。

Presumably then the problem is with vtk having its own version of libxml2? If this is the case - what can I do about this? All of the errors I ve looked at seem to originate from within soap handler classes, and eventually get through to "include < libxml/tree.h>" - which is then in the vtk directory shown above. I m not really sure where to go from here - is it wrong to include the library that s added in the instructions? Can/should I modify the header paths? If this isn t the tree.h the rest of the code is looking for, where is it - a quick system search didn t find it?




I got a response from the VES Posting List,link here。 它最后简单地排除了VTK版本的校准Xml2, 看来VES确实没有使用。 希望这一点可能会对某人有用!



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