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OCaml - 配对图中清单参考资料的配对模式
原标题:OCaml - Pattern matching with list reference in a tuple

是否有更清洁的方法这样做? I m 试图做到配对模式


the only way I found was doing this :

match a with
| _, l -> match !l with
  | (c, n)::t -> doSomething 

Wouldn t there be a way to match a with something else like ...

match a with
| _, ref (c,n)::t -> doSomething

......或某种类似情况? 在这种例子中,它看上去做的是很强的,而实际上它可能有些是......。

Thanks for your answers.


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_french.htm 类型的定义是具有变性领域的记录:

type  a ref = {
    mutable contents :  a;

This means that you can pattern match against it using record syntax like this:

match a with
| _, { contents = (c,n)::t } -> doSomething

In OCaml a ref is secretly a record with a mutable field named contents.

match a with
| _, { contents = (c, n) :: t } -> (* Do something *)

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