I am trying to create a simple WF4 activity that accepts a string that contains a VB.NET expression (from say the database), evaluates that string using the variables available in the current scope of the workflow and returns the result. Unfortunately, with the ways I ve tried it, whether it be with a plain on Activity
or a full-fledged NativeActivity
, I keep hitting a wall.
public class Eval<T, TResult> : Activity<TResult>
public InArgument<T> Value { get; set; }
public Eval(string predicate)
this.Implementation = () => new Assign<TResult>
Value = new InArgument<TResult>(new VisualBasicValue<TResult>(predicate)),
To = new ArgumentReference<TResult>("Result")
public TResult Eval页: 1(T value)
return WorkflowInvoker.Invoke(this, new Dictionary<string, object>{ {"Value", value } });
This woks nicely, and the following expression evaluates to 7:
new Eval<int, int>("Value + 2").Eval页: 1(5)
不幸的是,我可以不使用这种说法,因为表达方式被作为构造论据,而不是作为<条码>的“印章加固”;“条码>,这样它就能够轻易地融入(拖拉和投下)工作流程。 我的第二项尝试是尝试和使用<代码>NativeActivity,以便消除这一浮空构体参数:
public class NativeEval<T, TResult> : NativeActivity<TResult>
[RequiredArgument] public InArgument<string> ExpressionText { get; set; }
[RequiredArgument] public InArgument<T> Value { get; set; }
private Assign Assign { get; set; }
private VisualBasicValue<TResult> Predicate { get; set; }
private Variable<TResult> ResultVar { get; set; }
protected override void CacheMetadata(NativeActivityMetadata metadata)
Predicate = new VisualBasicValue<TResult>();
ResultVar = new Variable<TResult>("ResultVar");
Assign = new Assign { To = new OutArgument<TResult>(ResultVar), Value = new InArgument<TResult>(Predicate) };
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context)
Predicate.ExpressionText = ExpressionText.Get(context);
context.ScheduleActivity(Assign, new CompletionCallback(AssignComplete));
private void AssignComplete(NativeActivityContext context, ActivityInstance completedInstance)
Result.Set(context, ResultVar.Get(context));
WorkflowInvoker.Invoke(new NativeEval<int, int>(), new Dictionary<string, object>
{ { "ExpressionText", "Value + 2" }, { "Value", 5 } });
活动1:土著人口无法利用这一变量,因为它是在活动范围内宣布的。 1. 土著人口 一项活动只能获得自己的执行变量。
因此,我改变了<代码>metadata。 AddVariable(ResultVar); to metadata.Add ImplementationVariable(ResultVar);
The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree: VariableReference : The referenced Variable object (Name = ResultVar ) is not visible at this scope. There may be another location reference with the same name that is visible at this scope, but it does not reference the same location.
我使用null <<<>>>>>>>>>:<<0>null>>>>>>>>>>>>>:<<0>null>>><<>>>>>>>>>>>>:<>>>>>>>>null><<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>0>>>>>>>>>>>:<>>>>>>>>>>>:<0>>>>
我.。 尽管困难而且往往很耐用(如通常的冶金方案),但至少我能够总结一下我的头脑。 我猜测这种说法,是因为需要代表一个可持久、可再生、不成熟、可搬迁的方案,而不是简单老的方案,这增加了复杂性。
<>光线> 页: 1 我认为,Im试图评估一种code硬编码的表述,不会引起问题Im。
Predicate = new VisualBasicValue<TResult>();
页: 1
Predicate = new VisualBasicValue<TResult>("ExpressionText.Length");
Predicate.ExpressionText = ExpressionText.Get(context);
EDIT2: This article addressed the exception I was getting. I had to change both variable and child activity to be an "implementation", so this:
造成所有例外情形消失。 不幸的是,它表明以下两条绝对没有:
Predicate.ExpressionText = ExpressionText.Get(context);
操作期间更改<代码>ExpressionText的。 视觉基本原理(
此时似乎不可能将动态表述充分纳入工作流程,将其所有内部变量暴露在其中。 我猜测Ill在我的<代码>中使用了何种方法。 Eval category within the NativeEval