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Chrome DevTools 装置在装满时没有发现装置
原标题:Chrome DevTools Devices does not detect device when plugged in


我的装置是“ Chrome”和“ Chrome贝”诉33,而我的PC是“ Chrome33”和“ Chrome”诉35。

安装了我的装置和装置驱动器,能够安装USB脱机。 我从未像上述链接中第3步的大纲那样迅速批准RSA的主要print,但这一装置确实与我的PC有联系,允许媒体的转让。 我甚至撤销了上文链接中的所有“USB”分解授权。

I don t have any thing extra installed on my PC for Android development which may perhaps be the issue. I wish to utilise this feature to inspect web pages from the devices point of view.



在采取上述步骤之后,我看到了我的 device。


Update 24 February 2016

因此,我更新到Windows 10,现在有三星银河S5, 动 devices号:48.0.2564.116 和48.0.2564.95。 跟踪谷歌(谷歌)和......特(it)采取的步骤,没有RSA关键推动。 因此,我开始采取上述步骤,认为随着安康克下载量超过1GB,必须加快步伐。

This time I tried:

现在,在我的电话和<密码>上用 Chrome子(http://inspect/

Next problem: I need to repeat the same steps each time I reboot Windows. To solve that issue:

  • Open a text editor and copy in "C:Program Files (x86)Minimal ADB and Fastbootadb" devices
  • Save that file as adb.bat in the Windows Startup folder located at C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsStartUp

Note that the file does NOT need to be known adb.bat as long as it is a .bat file. 你登入档案的指挥有你可能需要改变的安装线。

Now I have the Chrome Inspect feature working when I need it.

感谢并向所有为这一问题提供答案的其他人致敬,这有助于指导我获得对我的回答有用的更新。 如果你发现他们也帮助了你,请给予其他答复。


On a Galaxy S7 and Windows 10 laptop, all I had to do whilst connected to the computer was change the USB connection mode to "Audio Source" (Phone Settings > Developer Options > USB Configuration).

之后,立即赶上了 on,使RSA成为关键的inger。 然后,计算机上的dev器承认我的装置。

Why this works I do not know, however it is by far the simplest of solutions, and without the need for installing unnecessary software.

I have also had some luck changing it to "MTP (Media Transfer Protocol)" mode too, but only on occasion.



Audio Source外,还确定了连接MIDI的模式。 通过从设备通知栏中直接取用连接方式来改变连接方式,将“通过USB传输媒体档案”或等同通知贴出。

Using MIDI is probably the easiest of the two since it doesn t require going into several setting screens to access it.

(说明——这为我所用三星S6)。 d 赞赏对所使用电话版本的任何评论,对于任何这类教学工作的人来说——

If your phone is connecting to your computer and being recognised on the computer, and you ve enabled USB debugging on your phone, but the phone doesn t appear under Remote devices in the Chrome developer tools, then you can first try restarting the automatic discovery process by selecting the following on your phone - Settings > Developer Options > Revoke USB Debugging Authorizations .

If this doesn t work, then the problem is likely that the Android Debug Bridge Daemon is either missing or not running on your computer (info about ADB - https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/adb.html)



第一,为你的平台安装工具。 使用Windows的Im以及我的步骤是:

-Unzip the download into c:platform-tools (I just put it here for convenience, you can choose a different location).

-Open command prompt (run as administrator) in folder, and run the following command:

adb devices

(前身为我们的十字架)。 这将从 da开始,并向你出示随附的安乐器清单。

如果你看到一个装置旁有未经许可,这意味着你必须打开电话,选择允许获取装置数据,然后总是允许从该计算机进入。 之后,请见您的电话连接开发商:


你们需要每当电脑重新启用时,才能开斋。 在您的开端文件夹中,每当其计算机开端时,都要使用 da(如果你完全遵循我的指示,你必须制作的批号内容为c:platform-toolsadb facilities)。

If you now have difficult accessing a URL (e.g. localhost ) that you re sending to Chrome on your Android device (via the Chrome dev tools on your computer), that s a different issue. See this question for advice How can I access my localhost from my Android device?

(in brief, you need to make sure your computer and phone are connected on the same network, so connect both onto the same wi-fi network or tether your computer to your phone s hotspot, then run ipconfig to get your wireless IPv4 IP address, and use that IP in the URL you want to view on your phone)

<>说明: 对于与工作初步脱节的连接,你需要使用MTP模式(Media Transfer Protocol)进行“U”转让(MTP是违约)。 其中一个答复中提到的固定点涉及将这一模式转向其他方式,但这可能只是引起某种重新认识,如果你中断电话联系,你可能会自动转回转往MTP模式。

If you are using "MTP mode" for USB computer connection. Change it to "PTP mode" or "Card reader mode".


三星说明 这里的8个用户——他们都必须做的是

  1. Enable USB Debugging on the phone.
  2. Install and run the "ADB and Fastboot" tool
  3. Input command adb devices in the adb prompt.
  4. Go to chrome://inspect/#devices and the device shows up.


workaround 如果你没有安装ADT(Android Development Toolkit):

Managed to detect android based Samsung Galaxy phone after downloading andorid SDK platform-tools.zip and running the following command: "adb devices". It started some deamon, found attached device, and I was also able to see it in chrome canary inspect tab.

previously I also installed "Universal ADB driver" but not sure if this was required

我知道这是一个老问题,但这里是我为我解决的答案。 我已经通过了我能够找到和尝试的所有条款。 它不会为我工作。

Solution: Use another USB cable.

我必须gra开不支持档案转让的劣质电缆。 我使用不同的USB电缆,并立即为穿透和批准远距离分解而开动。

Samsung phone + PC with Windows


  1. Settings / About phone / Software information / Build number (tap it 7 times to turn on developer mode)
  2. Settings / Developer options / USB debugging (turn it on)


  1. Install Samsung USB driver https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html
  2. Install ADB https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2317790 (in the forum scroll down to the section "Downloads" to get the newest version of ADB)
  3. After ADB installation CMD should pop up -> start ADB with command "adb devices" (for example "C:Program Files (x86)Minimal ADB and Fastboot> adb devices")
  4. Connect your phone to your PC with USB cable
  5. Alert about the connection should pop up on your phone (allow it)
  6. In Chrome on your PC open Developer tools / More tools / Remote devices and you should finally see your phone being detected

我多年来一直在不同的计算机和不同的装置中使用这一工具。 我常常发现,小孩/解放军看不到我的装置。

在本案中,只有为我工作的是reset ADB deamon:

adb kill-server

or / and

adb usb

在你更换装置后,将用你要求你允许从计算机连接中进行“U”分解的装置上显示电文。 允许这一要求确实很重要。

亚洲开发银行必须运行。 正义

<代码>C:UsersyourUserNameAppData LocalAndroidSdkplatform-tools和pageadb facilities, daemon应当开始并展示所有相关的装置。

<Ubuntulav 20 Update:

你可能不再需要做以下任何指挥。 <代码>sudo aptstal-y adb即可。 谷物83 规定了因违约而实行的港口转运规则

www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc 旧回答:



我也安装了亚行的工具sudo apt 和roid-tools-adbsudo apt 和roid-tools-fast ,并急切需要全安康K


今天的夜晚会 《三星银河说明》9和《<10><<>>>。 这里正在采取一些工作步骤,以便进行清醒。

1) Enable developer mode on the phone in the usual manner and turn on "USB Debugging".

2) On your computer install the Samsung USB Drivers for Windows https://developer.samsung.com/galaxy/others/android-usb-driver-for-windows

3) 打开对你的电脑的 Chrome——在dev子里安装遥控装置(此时不会发现任何装置)。

4) 通过USB电缆将电话连接到你的计算机。

5) 接受任何授权令,等到计算机说“电能装置已经就绪”为止。

6) 在您的电话中,将顶端菜单和主线“P Anders”——根据“Use/2006/2”选择“MIDI”。

7) Various setup notifications will appear on your PC, when they are finished you will get the authorisation prompt for debugging on your phone. Accept it! Wait a few more second and you will find the phone now appears in Chrome Dev tools on the computer, and will be connected in a few more seconds.

You re welcome.

页: 1 指挥线。 ......

adb devices

If you re on windows, you need to install the drivers for your phone. You can get them here.

如果我仍然不工作,我就通过人工重新启用安妮·德布尔桥,把他连起来。 http://stackoverflow.com/a/9966660/1876861“here

What I had to do was disable "Discover network targets" at chrome://inspect/#devices.



I resolved this issue : in "development option" of my device (samsung J3) I canceled usb debugging authorization then in my computer, I execute "adb devices" in "C:Program Files (x86)Androidandroid-sdkplatform-tools" folder a prompt appears in my device asking me weather I allow my computer to debug apps or not. I click yes then chrome has detected my device

Chrome似乎在重新谈判设备认证。 您可以尝试拆解USB Debugging,并再次加以利用。 有时,有人问你再次信任你的电脑钥匙。

或者,你可以前往您的安康科,操作adb 装置,这将迫使重新谈判。

After either (or both), Chrome should start working.

如果在<Huawei上运行 电话,确保安装和操作HiSuite 。 只有在HiSuite上台时,才有Ut debugging。

上述答复中没有一份对我有效。 然而,我的工作是向前推进。 在此详述的步骤:

  1. Ensure you have adb installed (steps here for windowd, mac, ubuntu)
  2. Ensure you have chrome running on your mobile device
  3. 在你本人指挥下,主线如下:

    adb forward tcp:9222 localabstract:chrome_devtools_remote

  4. 在行使上述指挥权时,接受对你的移动电话的授权。 以下是我手提电脑上看到的产出类型:

    www.un.org/chinese/ga/president 从现在起,第5037号港 *

  5. 现在开放你的神学院,进入当地会堂:9222,你将看到积极的检查表。


我先与六台不同的安信器和多台电缆合作,我不得不说,变幻莫测工程是不可原谅的。 有时,它会看到这种装置,有时甚至连重新启用 Chrome。 这里是相关的ug:https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=788 <161/a>。

Using a Samsung Galaxy S9 running Android Pie. -- May 2019 Similar to the answer above, and NickW s post for that answer: Once your device is connected, instead of going to settings, go to the phone s notification bar > Android System and Tap for other USB options. Select MIDI under the options and you re good to go!


对我来说,在Windows 10上,问题是由“Windows 10”在座标上“Your Telephone/code>的。 我只得<代码>repair。 页: 1 进入评估环境可能比较容易,但我以这种方式访问:

  1. System Settings
  2. Add or Remove Programs
  3. Click Your Phone from the list
  4. Select Advanced Options
  5. Select Repair under Reset options

在此之后,当我重新接通并编组我的电话(Samsung A30)上的USB Debugging时,我的电话促使我核准RSA的主要 f,使Tools得以最终确认我的电话。

目前使用LG G7和Windows 10。 对我来说,电话一旦实际连接,则将USB连接模式改为Photo transfer。 (我最初使用File transfer)和 Chrome式遥控装置探测我的电话。 我知道,我只安装了流动驾驶员,没有自动交换机等。



由于在园艺(扫描)上开放“开发工具”的原因不明,不一定会启动亚行的运行,其参数良好。 然后,你将不把“确认与你的笔会相距遥远”的问题放在智能电话上,而在个人电脑上,你可以看到联系小组“保持不知名的联系”。 那么,如果不能做到这一点,就必然不会建立联系。 请注意,其他一些工具启动了亚洲开发银行,但重要的是启动亚行并建立联系。

www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc 当你经营“并”时,亚行将IPofYourSmartphone港连接起来,“或亚洲开发银行运行软,以取得正确联系,亚行发出请求,表明小组对你的智能的确认。

This is too valid for USB or Wifi connection. If you use on android a tool like "ADB wireless by Henry" you will get a full guide to get a wifi debugging remote connection.


  • Open Android studio and go to Settings.
  • System SettingsAndroid
  • Select Android SDK (You will see new version of SDK)
  • Click to apply
  • Your mobile phone will want to access now on MIDI mode.

www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc 刺.装置上的露天.。 任何其他东西都不为我工作。


在我脱节和脱节之后,我终于放弃了,并将通过浏览器在电话上测试一些东西,并且看到 c子(Ininspect)与浏览器相比是否更好。


如果这样做的话,你可能需要首先尝试其他解决办法,如 un/rep,或 to角 de节或取消授权;然而,我认为,目前,如果 recently子 app子最近开张的话, c子(至少在某些情况下)可以与网关连接起来。


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