English 中文(简体)
原标题:GAE - Deployment Error: "AttributeError: can t set attribute"


Starting update of app: flyingbat123, version: 0-1
Getting current resource limits.
Password for avigmati: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:Program Files (x86)Googlegoogle_appengineappcfg.py", line 125, in 
    run_file(__file__, globals())
  File "C:Program Files (x86)Googlegoogle_appengineappcfg.py", line 121, in run_file
    execfile(script_path, globals_)
  File "C:Program Files (x86)Googlegoogle_appenginegoogleappengine	oolsappcfg.py", line 4062, in 
  File "C:Program Files (x86)Googlegoogle_appenginegoogleappengine	oolsappcfg.py", line 4053, in main
    result = AppCfgApp(argv).Run()
  File "C:Program Files (x86)Googlegoogle_appenginegoogleappengine	oolsappcfg.py", line 2543, in Run
  File "C:Program Files (x86)Googlegoogle_appenginegoogleappengine	oolsappcfg.py", line 3810, in __call__
    return method()
  File "C:Program Files (x86)Googlegoogle_appenginegoogleappengine	oolsappcfg.py", line 3006, in Update
    self.UpdateVersion(rpcserver, self.basepath, appyaml)
  File "C:Program Files (x86)Googlegoogle_appenginegoogleappengine	oolsappcfg.py", line 2995, in UpdateVersion
  File "C:Program Files (x86)Googlegoogle_appenginegoogleappengine	oolsappcfg.py", line 2122, in DoUpload
    resource_limits = GetResourceLimits(self.rpcserver, self.config)
  File "C:Program Files (x86)Googlegoogle_appenginegoogleappengine	oolsappcfg.py", line 355, in GetResourceLimits
    resource_limits.update(GetRemoteResourceLimits(rpcserver, config))
  File "C:Program Files (x86)Googlegoogle_appenginegoogleappengine	oolsappcfg.py", line 326, in GetRemoteResourceLimits
  File "C:Program Files (x86)Googlegoogle_appenginegoogleappengine	oolsappengine_rpc.py", line 379, in Send
  File "C:Program Files (x86)Googlegoogle_appenginegoogleappengine	oolsappengine_rpc.py", line 437, in _Authenticate
    super(HttpRpcServer, self)._Authenticate()
  File "C:Program Files (x86)Googlegoogle_appenginegoogleappengine	oolsappengine_rpc.py", line 281, in _Authenticate
    auth_token = self._GetAuthToken(credentials[0], credentials[1])
  File "C:Program Files (x86)Googlegoogle_appenginegoogleappengine	oolsappengine_rpc.py", line 233, in _GetAuthToken
    e.headers, response_dict)
  File "C:Program Files (x86)Googlegoogle_appenginegoogleappengine	oolsappengine_rpc.py", line 94, in __init__
    self.reason = args["Error"]
AttributeError: can t set attribute
2012-04-25 19:30:15 (Process exited with code 1)


application: flyingbat123
version: 0-1
runtime: python
api_version: 1
threadsafe: no

It seems like an authentication error, but I m entering a valid email and password. What am I doing wrong?


I had the same problem. I m using 2 factor authentication for my google account, so I previously had to enter a application specific password to deploy apps to GAE. If I entered my normal google password I got the AttributeError: can t set attribute error. However when I created an application specific password and used it, it worked

错误信息表明,我们的SDK有点.。 由于这一ug,你看不到失败的原因。 然而,只有在认证申请结束时,吉大港山区开发协会有403个错误时,才能使用这一代码。

您可以暂时查到C案:Program files(x86)谷歌戈格尔_appenginegoogleappengine oolsappengine_rpc.py,具体如下:见实际原因(addcode>logger.warn(有人)。

except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
  if e.code == 403:
    body = e.read()
    # Add a line bellow to see the actual error
    response_dict = dict(x.split("=", 1) for x in body.split("
") if x)
    raise ClientLoginError(req.get_full_url(), e.code, e.msg,
                           e.headers, response_dict)

如果你发现原因,这个问题必须更容易解决。 在你解决该问题之后,我赞赏你能否在上就这一神秘错误信息提出一个问题?


我已经进行了两步的核查,我一直在使用针对具体申请的密码,但发现它急于寻找和 past住每天长篇大事。 I found that using ---oauth2 回返

<编码> 这一申请并不存在(应用_id=u my-app-id)。

但是,通过增加<条码>-无>。 备选办法

<编码>appcfg.py --oauth2 --no_cookies Update myapp /code>

I can now authenticate each time by just clicking [Allow access] in the browser window that is opened.


NOTE:我在其他地方找到了这一解决办法,但我可以记住,在什么地方,我可以适当地把这一解决办法归为了。 Sorry.


I had the same problem and after inserting logger.warn(body), I get this: WARNING appengine_rpc.py:231 Error=BadAuthentication Info=InvalidSecondFactor



如果您的<代码>default_error,情况也是如此。 页: 1

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