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Yi网: 争取获得非目标财产
原标题:Yii bootstrap grid: Trying to get property of non-object


$gridDataProvider = new CArrayDataProvider(array(
    array( id =>1,  firstName => Mark ,  lastName => Otto ,  language => CSS ),
    array( id =>2,  firstName => Jacob ,  lastName => Thornton ,  language => JavaScript ),
    array( id =>3,  firstName => Stu ,  lastName => Dent ,  language => HTML ),

 $this->widget( bootstrap.widgets.BootGridView , array(
     type => striped bordered condensed ,
     dataProvider =>$gridDataProvider,
     template =>"{items}",
     columns =>array(
        array( name => id ,  header => # ),
        array( name => firstName ,  header => First name ),
        array( name => lastName ,  header => Last name ),
        array( name => language ,  header => Language ),
             class => bootstrap.widgets.BootButtonColumn ,
             htmlOptions =>array( style => width: 50px ),


Trying to get property of non-object

Menu, Buttons(和所有其他东西)进行罚款。


This hapens because the example uses CArrayDataProvider to populate the grid. When you get inside BootButton (the class that generates this column) to see what runs through it, you will see that it is trying to get the primaryKey property from dataprovider, but there is no such property, as the data is of array type.



$this->widget( bootstrap.widgets.BootGridView , array(
         type => striped bordered condensed ,
         dataProvider =>$model->search(),
         template =>"{items}{pager}",
         filter =>$model,...


I don t know what is the code you got in this class -- bootstrap.widgets.BootButtonColumn But whatever it is, this is a what is causing the issue. Make sure you have the full action of each button defined, in order to avoid this issue.


 $this->grid->controller->createUrl("action_name", array("param_name" => "param_value")) 


It s caused by the Button Column missing variables It should be

         class => bootstrap.widgets.BootButtonColumn ,
         htmlOptions =>array( style => width: 50px ),
                             viewButtonUrl =>null,
                             updateButtonUrl =>null,
                             deleteButtonUrl =>null,


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