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What are the steps to create AJAX login in yiiframework?

I just started learning AJAX and Yiiframework. What are the steps to create AJAX login form in Yii?

Thank you.


Try the following in your view, where the login button is

<?php echo CHtml::ajaxButton( Add Course , array( student_Courses/Create ),array(
         type => POST ,
         update => #resultStudentCourse ,
         beforeSend  =>  function(){
        } ,
         complete  =>  function(){
            } ,

)); ?>

#resultStudentCourse is the ID of the DIV where you need to load in your message, EG. Successfully logged-in

Then in your controller the create method have something like this

$this->renderPatial( create ,array( model =>$model));

Hope this helps

$this->renderPatial( create ,array( model =>$model));

For the sake of real clarity (as not too many folks are using this framework quite yet) the above should be


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