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为什么不表演 SegueWithIdentifier work within viewDidLoad?
原标题:Why doesn t performSegueWithIdentifier work inside viewDidLoad?

我一想一想一想一想一想,一把DidLoad召唤一眼望控制器。 排泄物有所附的识别资料,如果从与纽扣或其他控制相关的方法中调取,则进行罚款。 但是,它没有在视德洛德开展工作。 它只是 silent然失败。 是否考虑到DidLoad,有人无视有关排气的某种规则?


[self performSegueWithIdentifier: @"mySegue" 
                          sender: self];


[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:^() {
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"mySegue" sender:self];



You can not dismiss a view controller that isn t presented yet. didLoad has purely memory management functions, you can use it as (part of a) constructor. What may work, is to start a segue in viewDidAppear, however I would suggest to start with the view you want at the first time.


Most likely reason could be that the OS ignores second screen transition call while one is in progress. In your ViewDidLoad, the view transition (of the current view) is still not complete. You are asking another transition before it completes and the OS ignores it. It must be the reason that the segue works when called from a different function. Try calling inside ViewDidAppear (or after a time delay)

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