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为什么努力? [复制]
原标题:Why String.ToString()? [duplicate]
  • 时间:2012-04-25 08:47:19
  •  标签:
  • .net
  • vb.net
This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.

Possible Duplicate:
C#: why does the string type have a .ToString() method





<代码>ToString方法见。 目标 继承<编码>。 <代码>目标. 编码的实施工作将印刷该类型名称。

public virtual string ToString() {
    return this.GetType().ToString();


public override string ToString() {
    return this;



All objects have ToString(), so that for any object:

  • 您可在不知悉<代码>obj的类型的情况下打电话

  • you can call obj.ToString() without having to worry about the method not being there (generic logging code is a common example of where you might do this)


。 系统.Object。 是,也包括<代码>系统。

它或许是一比多余的,而。 指出,它将重归同一案件。 因此,除了采用这种方法外,没有这方面的履约间接费用。

一切物体(或可装箱成物体)object 界定了< 编码>ToString, ergo, string has a ToString means, as it s a Object.

Because the System.String class, like any other class is derived from the System.Object class, it automatically inherits from various methods like :

public virtual bool Equals(Object obj)
public virtual int GetHashCode()
public virtual string ToString()


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