English 中文(简体)
原标题:Mac OS : runing app with old base SDK on recent version of OS


在此,我收到一份经过编辑的应用程序,请老的SDK说10.5版本,在MacOS 10.5版本上没有任何问题。

关于最近版本的MacOS 10.6,10.7, 在某些情形下,它的工作是不正确的。

旧的缩略语应当与新版的非洲顾问办保持兼容,基本上,我想知道 Apple果如何保持与新版本的MacOS的旧应用程序的兼容性?


Apple is usually very careful to ensure backward compatibility of their APIs so that older apps don t break when you upgrade your OS. They don t delete APIS but just mark them as deprecated.

您的申请很可能是在没有支持的情况下进行的,或者由于 Apple果改变了其执行诺言而暴露在其中。

Off the top of my head some possible causes

  • your app uses Apple private APIs that have changed.
  • your app passes some invalid parameter to an API whose implementation has changed (an example might be using an int where the API expects an NSInteger).
  • your app unwittingly exploited a bug that has now been resolved (e.g. garbage collection and NSOperationQueues existed in 10.5 but were very much beta).

参照最新版本的X代码,与<代码>-Wall的警告旗帜和静态分析器核对您的申请。 这将告诉你,在什么地方,你正在使用假装的转录器,对 par和回归类型错误的假设,以及许多其他问题。



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