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我如何从Gite Hub删除一个分支?
原标题:How do I delete a branch from GitHub?
  • 时间:2012-04-25 14:00:30
  •  标签:
  • github

我看到以前曾有人要求这样做,但没有人会为我解决。 我没有通过指挥线使用Gite,而是把它当作X条码。 我设立了一个部门,将其推向Gite Hub,我现在要删除。 我删除了X条码中的这一编号,但它仍在Gite Hub。 吉特·霍特说,只是要去除,删除背书,但据指出,它不仅删除了整个项目。 因此,我失踪了吗?


请删除branch。 正义

$ git push origin :branch-name


<><>Edit>: 必须指出,在分支名称前面的殖民地是重要的。

<><>><>>>> 更确切地说:

$ cd /path/to/local/git/checkout
$ git remote -v show

Pick the remote name from the first column which corresponds to the github URL where you want to delete the branch. I call it origin here. branch-name is the name of the branch you want to delete. Delete it using:

$ git push origin :branch-name

Edit 3: If you want to learn about git, I can recommend the free book by Scott Chacon. The relevant section is here.



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