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原标题:Python translator, how to replace just one word

因此,i m试图在Python(在60个装置中)创建一名翻译。 因此,试图做的是,在不触及其他词的情况下仅用一个字。 这里的例子

Original: "The brown fox jumps over the dog named brownie." I want to replace the word "brown" into "deathlesi"(Just ignore why) The result should be: "The deathlesi fox jumps over the dog named brownie." But instead it also changes "brownie" in the string which results to: "The deathlesi fox jumps over the dog named deathlesiie."

Since I m trying to replace each and every word, sometimes it goes into a never ending paradox. Example: "I am stupid" I m trying to change "I" into "ium" and this is what happens. "iumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumum.... am stupiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuim..", it basically changes every "I" in the string and won t stop until there s no "I" in the string.

任何帮助? 感谢!

Edit:我已经尝试过“地圈”,但某些部分,如“一”小块,通常取代“一” st。

Here s another example: "People are getting excited at the giant hare." replacing "are" to "iume", instead of "People iume getting excited at the giant hare." it also replaced "hare" which resulted into "People iume getting excited at the giant hiume."

Supposedly I array ed the sentence and translate each of them. That is my current method now. Basically converting each word into a array and converting each one of them. Then doing a

translated_sentence=["particulus:people", "iume:are", "geus:getting", "exchantus:excited", "d:at", "qun:the", "gesas:giant", "hsont:hare"]
sentence= "People are getting excited at the giant hare."
for i in translated_sentence do
sentence=sentence.replace(element[1], element[0])


I just got it figured it out. I just splitted the string into an array, and preserved the formatting by cleaning the current word and doing a string.replace() to the original word.

sentence="The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.".split(" ")

for i in sentence:

cleaned=clean(i) #removes the punctuations and stuff leaving the raw word.

translated=translate(cleaned) #returns the translated word

result=result+i.replace(cleaned,translated)+" "

return result

既然你只想发现第一起事件,那么你就需要一种办法来追踪。 你们可以采取许多办法。 简单明了:

def replacer(original, looking_for, replace_with):
       A straightforward way...    
   return original.replace(looking_for, replace_with, 1)
   #return regex.sub(replace_with, looking_for, 1)

这些数字表明,你想要取代多少次。 如果存在两种情况,则将取代这两种情况。

努力是不可调和的,因此,你必须重新签署新的指示。 每当你填写<代码>replace时,你都会产生新的指示。

You can also write a loop to find the N-th occurrence if you don t want the built-in.

I recommend making your post shorter (I mean fewer words, and more syntax highlight). Format it. Correct me if I didn t read your post correctly.


like like:

import re
x = "The brown fox jumps over the dog named brownie."
newstring = re.sub(r"(s+|[:punct:]+|^)brown(s+|[:punct:]+|$)",r"1deathlies2",x, flags=re.IGNORECASE)


>>> print newstring
The deathlies fox jumps over the dog named brownie.


x = "People are getting excited at the giant hare."
newstring = re.sub(r"(s+|[:punct:]+|^)are(s+|[:punct:]+|$)",r"1iume2",x, flags=re.IGNORECASE)


>>> print newstring
People iume getting excited at the giant hare.

第一组:<代码>(s+>:punct:>+><>>>>>>> /代码对空间、校正或方位表和另一组<代码>(s+组:punct]+$>>

在进行替换时,<代码>1和2将 p或间隔与替代案文相重,使事情变得毫无意义。




"I am stupid".replace("I", "ium")

我现在不听我的话,但是,如何发挥职能,将扼杀变成一个名单。 你们可以走白色空间,因此名单是[own、英、 jump......]。 之后是。

你们想要取代确切的同词。 不是扼杀。 替换




http://docs.python.org/howto/regex.html#search-and-replace” rel=“nofollow” 定期搜索和替换是你完成任务的最佳工具。

或者,如果你刚刚开始学习Python和Regex,就过于简单化。 仅用str.split()说几句话。

def simply_replace(string, search, replace):
    words = string.split(   )
    for i in range(len(words)):
        if(words[i].lower() == search):
            words[i] = replace
    return    .join(words)

>>> simply_replace("I am stupid",  i ,  ium )
 ium am stupid 
>>> simply_replace("The brown fox jumps over the dog named brownie.",  brown ,  deathly )
 The deathly fox jumps over the dog named brownie. 
>>> simply_replace("People are getting excited at the giant hare.",  are ,  ium )
 People ium getting excited at the giant hare. 

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