我感到我错了。 我是新到抽象的课堂,而且已经读过几门的辅导,但我可以说明如何适用于我的情况。 我认为,我的设计可能会有错,但我认为这样做还有另一种方式。 我的公司配备了几台不同的电脑,我需要能够监测电池信息。 虽然获取信息不是问题,但将如何将不同的指挥权派到基地类别去做需要做的事情。 Say 我想获得我的第1号囚室。 在一个部队中,指挥部为0x0418,而另一个单位为0x453。 因此,在我的信息类别中,我进行了一项测试,以了解这一模式是什么。 我有一个叫做“电池”的基地级,每个电池的标准是一组变数(电池、电荷、电荷等)。 我随后决定,为我所属的每个单位开设个人班是好的。
Now my design of the classes I think is spot on (could be wrong as I am not good at abstraction and polymorphism). I have a panel that in the end would display the information that I get from the BatteryInformation class. something like Battery1Cell1Label.Text = batteryInfo.GetCell1(1); Battery2Cell1Label = batteryInfo.GetCell1(2).
因此,在我的一等基地,我猜测我需要一个GetValue(即指挥)(因为获得不同类型的信息是受干扰的控制者指挥)。 或许应该停止谈论,只把我拥有的错误告诉你们。
public abstract class Battery<T> //not sure that the <T> is right
public string Information { get; private set; }
public float Cell1 { get; private set; }
public float Cell2 { get; private set; }
public float Cell3 { get; private set; }
public float Cell4 { get; private set; }
public int FCC { get; private set; }
public bool ChargeIC { get; private set; }
public int StartCharge { get; private set; }
public int CurrentCharge { get; private set; }
public bool Exists { get; private set; }
protected internal void GetValue(byte command)
//Use Embedded controller to get said value
//Testing Purposeses
页: 1
class Battery8800 : Battery<Battery8800>
public Battery8800() : base()
public void GetValue(BatteryCommands command)
public enum BatteryCommands
Battery1VoltageHigh = 0x0402,
Battery1VoltageLow = 0x0403,
Batt1ChargeCurrentHigh = 0x0404,
Batt1ChargeCurrentLow = 0x0405,
Battery1MaxError = 0x0407,
Battery1RSOC = 0x0409,
Battery1FCCHigh = 0x040E,
Battery1FCCLow = 0x040F,
Battery1DCHigh = 0x0412,
Battery1DCLow = 0x0413,
Battery1Cell1High = 0x0418,
Battery1Cell1Low = 0x0419,
Battery1Cell2High = 0x041A,
Battery1Cell2Low = 0x041B,
Battery1Cell3High = 0x041C,
Battery1Cell3Low = 0x041D,
Battery1Cell4High = 0x041E,
Battery1Cell4Low = 0x041F,
PowerSource1 = 0x0420,
//many more commands for battery 2 etc etc
class BatteryInformation
public Battery battery1; //error says it needs 1 type of argument
public Battery battery2; //error says it needs 1 type of argument
public BatteryInformation()
switch (UnitModel.GetModelEnum())
case UnitModel.DLIModel.DLI8300M:
battery1 = new Battery8300();
battery2 = new Battery8300();
case UnitModel.DLIModel.DLI8400:
battery1 = new Battery8400();
battery2 = new Battery8400();
case UnitModel.DLIModel.DLI8500:
battery1 = new Battery8500();
case UnitModel.DLIModel.DLI8500P:
battery1 = new Battery8500P();
case UnitModel.DLIModel.DLI8800:
battery1 = new Battery8800();
case UnitModel.DLIModel.DLI9200:
battery1 = new Battery9200();
//for testing purposes
battery1 = new Battery8800();
YEAH FOR DRAFT SAVING!!! the power just went out, and I didn t loose but 1 sentence!
//in my timer_tick event
battery1Cell1Label.Text = BatteryInformation.Battery1.Cell1.ToString();
//etc etc
but i still need to get this working but am having a hard time figuring out how to do abstraction. Thank you for your time.
class Battery1_8400 : Battery
public override bool Update()
//TODO finish
Exists = GetValue((ushort)Commands.PowerSource) != 0xFF;
if (Exists)
Cell1 = GetValue((ushort)Commands.Cell1Low, (ushort)Commands.Cell1High) / 1000.0f;
Cell2 = GetValue((ushort)Commands.Cell2Low, (ushort)Commands.Cell2High) / 1000.0f;
Cell3 = GetValue((ushort)Commands.Cell3Low, (ushort)Commands.Cell3High) / 1000.0f;
FCC = GetValue((ushort)Commands.FCCLow, (ushort)Commands.FCCHigh);
Voltage = GetValue((ushort)Commands.VoltageLow, (ushort)Commands.VoltageHigh);
return true;
return false;
private enum Commands
PowerSource = 0x0480,
Charge = 0x0432,
RSOC = 0x0734,
DCLow = 0x0402,
DCHigh = 0x0403,
FCCLow = 0x0404,
FCCHigh = 0x0405,
MaxError = 0x0730,
Cell1Low = 0x0778,
Cell1High = 0x0779,
Cell2Low = 0x077C,
Cell2High = 0x077D,
Cell3Low = 0x0780,
Cell3High = 0x0781,
VoltageLow = 0x0438,
VoltageHigh = 0x0439,
ChargeCurrentLow = 0x0728,
ChargeCurrentHigh = 0x0729,
ChargeIC = 0x1A03,
我有9份档案,在最新指挥系统如何运作时,这些档案完全相同。 各级指挥略有不同。 look2 - 8400.cs s enum
private enum Commands
PowerSource = 0x0480,
Charge = 0x04C2,
RSOC = 0x0834,
DCLow = 0x0492,
DCHigh = 0x0493,
FCCLow = 0x0494,
FCCHigh = 0x0495,
MaxError = 0x0830,
Cell1Low = 0x0878,
Cell1High = 0x0879,
Cell2Low = 0x087C,
Cell2High = 0x087D,
Cell3Low = 0x0880,
Cell3High = 0x0881,
VoltageLow = 0x04C8,
VoltageHigh = 0x04C9,
ChargeCurrentLow = 0x0828,
ChargeCurrentHigh = 0x0829,
ChargeIC = 0x1A04,
更新后的指挥与另外7份档案相同。 种子对我来说是坏的,但我如何做这种 design。 顺便提一下我的班子在答复我之后所看到的情况,以及收到的少数评论。