Im 收到网络上关于遥感技术预报认证/授权机制的混合信号,特别是移动应用。
- There is OAuth 1.0, but it s claimed to be more complicated than it needs to be and doesn t support native clients too well (callback URLs are very browser-centric). On the other hand, there is one major provider that supports it (Twitter).
- Then there is OAuth 2.0, which is supposed to be an improvement over 1.0, and it gets rid of client-side crypto in it default incantation (replaced with bearer tokens), but some people are of the opinion that it s broken by design, and bearer tokens are no better than cookies. An SSL certificate from a sketchy provider can trick a mobile client more easily into believing that the endpoint is a trusted authority. However two major providers (Google and Facebook) support it.
- And then there are people, who advocate sidestepping the whole mess and rolling your own.