English 中文(简体)
原标题:Graceful failure in Labview (after failed opening of device - in this case camera)

我很想知道,如果某一部分未能执行,如何使该方案的其余部分得以实施(而且依赖这一构成部分的其他道路也已经消失)。 在其他语文中,这相当于“附带一种例外情况”,但这里增加的问题是,我担心即使存在这种特征(如果发现这种特征的话),那么该方案的其余部分仍会试图运行......。 任何建议都会受到高度赞赏。 提前感谢!


LabVIEW doesn t have exception handling, but handles error in a different way: (nearly) all VIs accept an error cluster as input (and so should yours); if it is positive (an error occurred), the VI will return immediately, passing error as output, and next will get it as input, etc. This is called error.




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