English 中文(简体)
原标题:Why won t this code recognise that these two variables are the same?
  • 时间:2012-04-27 00:30:13
  •  标签:
  • java
  • compare

Hey I m trying to take a String input from the user (in this case a name of a film e.g. Good Burger). I have an arraylist of class Film from which I m iterating through. On each iteration a method in the instance of class Film is called which returns a String of the film name. When I m comparing these two, it doesn t seem to recognise that they are equal and I can t figure out why.



    int numberOfFilmsCheck;
    numberOfFilmsCheck = 0;
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
    Film tempFilm;
    System.out.println("Please enter the names of the films you wish to be in the new schedule");
    System.out.println("Press enter after each one.");

    while(numberOfFilmsCheck < numberOfFilms){
        boolean foundFilm;
        foundFilm = false;
        String inputFilmName = null;
        tempFilm = null;
        String filmName;
        filmName = null;
            inputFilmName = reader.readLine();
        catch (IOException e){

        for(Film film : films){
                foundFilm = true;
                tempFilm = film;
                System.out.println("Found film name");

        if(foundFilm == true){
            System.out.println("The film you entered has not been recognised.");
            System.out.println("Please enter the film name as shown above.");

这里是班级守则。 电影:

public String getFilmName()
    return filmName;


任何帮助都受到高度赞赏! 成就


You appear to set filmName to null at the start, then you never actually change it (by calling getFilmName(), for example). Hence, it will be null for the purposes of comparison.


for(Film film : films){
    filmName = film.getFilmName();               // <-- Added this.
    if(inputFilmName.equals(filmName)){          // <-- So that this works.
        foundFilm = true;
        tempFilm = film;
        System.out.println("Found film name");

Try putting this code:

System.out.println(" " + inputFilmName + "  vs  " + filmName + " ")

在<代码>(输入FilmName. Equals(filmName){行文之前,请见为什么不均等。 Oh注意到单一报价。

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