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ajax 随附电机发出的要求没有发挥作用
原标题:ajax send request with encoding gzip is not working

Ajax send request with encoding gzip (iis7) is not working below are the code for send request can some one help me what is wrong in my code.

预 收

function sendRequest(url, callback, postData)
   var req = createXMLHTTPObject();
   if (!req) {

   var method = (postData) ? "POST" : "GET";
   req.open(method, "xml/" + url, true);
   req.setRequestHeader( User-Agent ,  XMLHTTP/1.0 );

   if (postData) {
      req.setRequestHeader( Content-type ,  application/x-www-form-urlencoded );
      req.setRequestHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip");


   req.onreadystatechange = function() {




你似乎不肯压缩你的职位。 数据。

If postData is already compressed, no need to try to manually set content-encoding.

如果不是,让浏览器与服务器谈判转让编码(这是议定书的一部分,自动进行),服务器如果接受,则表示很少情况),或者(如果你真的需要的话)编码。 这一SO问题表明,有一个图书馆压缩浏览器:。 Javacast implementation of Gzip






  • it compresses headers
  • header compression uses a standard dictionary
  • I think data compression builds a dictionary over multiple messages (brotli - I haven t double-checked that though)

  1. Open Chrome, and F12 to open developer tools
  2. Click on the network tab
  3. close the request inspector panel (has tabs Headers Preview Response Timing)
  4. Right click on the Name header of the list of requests and tick Protocol
  5. Navigate to your website and watch what protocol is used for all requests - in the protocol column you want to see h2 not http/1.1

Example log of HTTP/2 network requests withn Chrome developer tools

I wouldn t recommend using JavaScript compression libraries because that causes slowdown and inefficiencies.

Anyone feel like passing it forward?

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