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服务器传输: 保持转让安全的最佳方式?
原标题:iOS/Android to server transfer : Best way to keep transfer secure?

I m目前正在与以下行为者合作开展一个项目:

  • a web server hosting a zend php application with a database.
  • 2 mobile apps (iOS and Android) which retrieve/post data from/to the server.

I m using HTTPS (with a trusted certificate) to comunicate with the server. To retrieve data from the server, GET method is used. To push data to the server, mobile apps use POST method over HTTPS.


What kind of solution should i use to enforce those transfers security?



If you are having HTTPS then you already have the One level of Security. To add another level, you can encrypt and decrypt password before sending to server.

OS支持AES256 加密。

See best practices here http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/Security/Conceptual/Security_Overview/Introduction/Introduction.html




SSL是通向和发送加密数据的途径,因此不能被上下一代人阅读。 保持你对SSL的所有互动,以便你不会以不加密的形式暴露出证书(UN/PW)或会议表。 特殊工业企业是达到这一目的的行业标准,符合你规定的所有要求。

如果你只想限制用户使用你的服务器,你就可以部署相互认可的SSL。 在你的客户申请中贴上客户和客户的SSL证书,并没收服务器,使其在连接时只接受出示该证书的客户提出的新要求。

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