I have implemented a TcxGrid with some columns. The cells in the last column in this grid contains buttons of type TcxEditButton.
I would like to hide some of these buttons based on a value in the grid. The value that determines the visibility of the buttons can either be read from the grids memory data set, or directly from a hidden column in the grid.
My problem is that I have not been able to find the correct event to do the check on the value, and set the buttons visibility property. I ve tried to use all sort of events both on the grids table and the column that contains the buttons.
Solution: Ended up using a modified version if the accepted solution.
procedure TFrame_cx_Element_Inntasting_Kriterier.cxGrid_InntastingDBTVPropertiesGetProperties(
Sender: TcxCustomGridTableItem; ARecord: TcxCustomGridRecord;
var AProperties: TcxCustomEditProperties);
if ARecord.Values[cxGrid_ColumnWithValidatedValue.Index] = true then
AProperties := cxEditRepository1ButtonItem1.Properties
AProperties := cxEditRepository1Label1.Properties;