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Transaction Interop.GetDtc Transaction() sediments ArgumentNullException.
原标题:TransactionInterop.GetDtcTransaction() throws ArgumentNullException... sometimes

I m occasionally getting this exception, and don t seem to be able to find anything here on SO or google that can shed some insight as to how to debug this.

System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: transaction
   at System.Transactions.TransactionInterop.
                        GetDtcTransaction(Transaction transaction)
   at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection.Open()
   at RetrieveMessage() ...

我的法典相当直截了当。 RetrieveMessage(>)是发出电离线的呼吁,但那是相关的,因为这只是试图打开联系。

using (var scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required,
    message = RetrieveMessage();
    // ...


public Message RetrieveMessage()
    using (var cnn = new OracleConnection(ConnString))
        cnn.Open(); //sometimes fails???
        //... execute a stored procedure that calls dbms_aq.dequeue()
    //... return dequeued message or null if queue is empty

My connection string looks like the following: Data Source=abc;User ID=test1;Password=test1;Pooling=true;Validate Connection=True




我认为,当客户试图使用的TCP港口被数据库服务器以外的代理人或客户关闭时,就会出现这种情况。 我们利用TCPView在客户和服务器之间关闭了1521港的所有联系,然后试图在同一过程中打开联系,从而模拟了这一看法。 在现实世界中,我们认为,由于无所作为,内部防火墙正在关闭连接。 尽管我尚未找到解决这一问题的实际解决办法,但未能防止连接关闭。

If it only sometimes fails, try something like this:

while (true){
    if (ConnString == null)
    var cnn = new OracleConnection(ConnString);
    if (cnn == null)
    //... execute a stored procedure that calls dbms_aq.dequeue() 
//... return dequeued message or null if queue is empty


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