While other questions about using reflection to bypass all safeties and directly call the base class s implementation of an overridden method have generally been met with derision and calls to redesign the offending code, I think I ve stumbled upon a bizarre but legitimate use case: delegate serialization. Since I ve seen the other questions, please don t bombard me with advice to redesign my code and stop trying to bypass the type system -- I m writing a serialization formatter, and those already get a pass to ignore constructors.
Much to my dismay, even the v2.0 BCL s BinaryFormatter
fails this simple NUnit test:
public class DelegateSerializationTestFixture
public void DelegateSerializationTest()
var bigKitty = new Lion();
var kittyNoise = bigKitty.GetKittyNoiseFunc();
Assert.AreEqual("Meow", kittyNoise());
var stream = new MemoryStream();
var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
formatter.Serialize(stream, kittyNoise);
stream.Position = 0;
formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
var kittyNoise2 = (Func<string>)formatter.Deserialize(stream);
Assert.AreEqual("Meow", kittyNoise2()); // returns Grrr
public class Lion : Cat
public override string GetNoise()
return "Grrr";
public Func<string> GetKittyNoiseFunc()
return base.GetNoise;
public class Cat
public virtual string GetNoise()
return "Meow";
http://www.ohchr.org。 我怀疑,我不感到惊讶的是,我自己的《契约框架》3.5 双周期化的实施也减少了球。
So far, the only way I know of to detect this condition at serialization time is to use full-trust reflection to compare the private method-pointer value in the original delegate with the value I get from reconstructing the delegate using its publicly visible properties.