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原标题:Fast FileSize Compare with Linq

i 设有两个档案目录,希望确保两者都相同。 因此,i ve制造了一个把所有档案放在档案信息阵列上的问话。 我把所有档案都归案,现在要比较每个团体的档案,供他们最后审定。

But, to be honest, like i do this, its far to slow. Any Idea how i could compare the Files within a Group over Linq about their Length and let me do sth if the are different?


FileInfo[] fiArrOri5 = d5ori.GetFiles("*.*", System.IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
FileInfo[] fiArrNew5 = d5new.GetFiles("*.*", System.IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);

FileInfo[] AllResults = new FileInfo[fiArrNew5.Length+fiArrOri5.Length];
fiArrNew5.CopyTo(AllResults, 0);
fiArrOri5.CopyTo(AllResults, fiArrNew5.Length);

var duplicateGroups = AllResults.GroupBy(file => file.Name);

        foreach (var group in duplicateGroups)
            AnzahlElemente = group.Count();

            if (AnzahlElemente == 2)
                if (group.ElementAt(0).Length != group.ElementAt(1).Length)
                    // do sth





if i run only the following snippet, it runs super slow. (~00:00:00:0750000)




I m not sure this will be faster - but this is how I would have done this:

var folderPathOne = "FolderPath1";
var folderPathTwo = "FolderPath2";

//Get all the filenames from dir 1
var directoryOne = Directory
    .EnumerateFiles(folderPathOne, "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)

//Get all the filenames from dir 2
var directoryTwo = Directory
    .EnumerateFiles(folderPathTwo, "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)

//Get only the files that appear in both directories
var filesToCheck = directoryOne.Intersect(directoryTwo);

var differentFiles = filesToCheck.Where(f => new FileInfo(folderPathOne + f).Length != new FileInfo(folderPathTwo + f).Length);

foreach(var differentFile in differentFiles)
    //Do something

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