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原标题:Cannot display Dimension Extended Data Types in SSRS from AX 2009

如果你利用从2009年安东和安东民主军(EmplTableListPage)中修建的电离层设备,并试图与安纳苏特派团一道编写一份特别安全报告,并使用实地报告(或这一问题的任何方面),那么2008年视力演播中的报告将正确进行。 在你向安保部服务器部署报告后,它将没有出现类似下列错误:

 An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
Query execution failed for dataset  Dataset1 . (rsErrorExecutingCommand)
The AX query string  SELECT EmplTable.1.Dimension[1],EmplTable.1.EmplId,DirPartyTable.1.Name FROM EmplTableListPage  is invalid. The valid format is  SELECT [fields] FROM [AX query name] , where [fields] can be either  *  or a comma separated field list.



在SSRS报告中,我如何显示从各方面的数据? 以及它为什么在“视觉”演播室工作,而不是在“宇宙航空研究开发机构”或“报告管理员网站”工作?


According to Microsoft in their What s New in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 for Developers whitepaper, 2012 was enhanced to support dimensions which were not supported in AX 2009 meaning that you can not display data from dimension fields on SSRS reports: enter image description here


I used this kind of approach (joining all posible Dimensions table combinations) note that example is only for first two dmensions: LedgerTransSRS query

Than from srs:

SELECT LedgerTable.1.AccountName,Dimensions.1.DimensionCode:NAME(SysDimension),Dimensions.2.DimensionCode:NAME(SysDimension) FROM LedgerTransSRS

我的原姓氏不是Ledger TransSRS,我的原姓氏是Ledger TransSRS_company Sufix。 我删除了这个例子中的“公司”。 因此,没有修改原有的Ledger TransSRS查询(因为SYS层已经存在并且正在使用这种查询)。

had the same problem but was able to resolve it. When you add the data set in SSRS you must add all fields in the dimension (your query has the dimension listed in fields) - and not just the field of the dimension that you want to access.



造成错误的部分询问是: EmplTable.1.Dimension ***/code>。


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