English 中文(简体)
• 如何通过在Peit强制设立一顿子,积极增加浏览量/小数。
原标题:How to add row/cells dynamically to an UITableView by pressing a button in iPhone




页: 1

 - (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section 
    return **????** ;

/ 囚室/牢房的内容

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath

<><>/## Add New Row>##/strong>

    ???????? ;



您的申请 当你在酒吧采取行动时,你必须给Array增加价值。

例如,在您的表态中,你正在细胞中展示安全感。 文本LABEL.text。 这些阵列位于NSMutable Array。


in myAction

    NSString *newString =@"NEW CELL";

    [tableArray addObject:newString];
    [tableView reloadData];


I hope this logic will be helpful to you.


每当你想增加或删除行文时,再填表就会给您的申请用户带来不好的经验。 尽管执行这项任务缺乏有效的方法,但它也产生了一些负面的副作用,即选定的行文在重载后没有选择过,而且变化没有消减。

。 它们是:




beginUpdates endUpdates

仅凭您希望打上以下电话的封面操作:beginUpdatesendUpdates 方法和表格,将创造one<>>>>one <>em> animation for all operations which have been requested between beginUpdates and endUpdates calls to so that whole transition look nicer that one caused by a several separate animations.

[self.tableView beginUpdates]
//calls to insert/move and delete methods   
[self.tableView endUpdates]

保持数据来源状况与<编码>可调取的<>可调取的所保存的数据来源状况确实很重要。 为此原因,你必须保证,如果表上认为开始进行所要求的业务,其数据来源将恢复正确的价值。

[self.tableView beginUpdates]
//calls to insert/move and delete methods   
//operations on our data source so that its
//state is consistent with state of the table view
[self.tableView endUpdates]

当表看开始运行时? 这取决于业务是否在<代码>下定义的估算组中。 如果是,表认为在<代码>更新方法查询后开始运行。 否则,表认为在要求插入/删除或删除方法后,即可开展业务活动。

当你使用<代码>beginUpdates和 进行桌面业务时,你必须知道,在本个案表中,‚batches要求的行动按具体顺序进行,而不必与你在桌上表示的标语上发出的呼吁(

必须记住的是,在所有插入行动之前,删除所有业务。 此外,在按定购单进行插入操作时(指数3,2,1)似乎按退学顺序进行删除(指数1、2,3操作)。 记住这一点,即crucial,以保持贵国数据来源的状态,使之与表格中的数据保持一致。



//initial state of the data source
self.numbers = [@[@(0), @(1), @(2), @(3), @(4), @(5), @(6)] mutableCopy];

NSArray indexPathsToRemove = @[[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:3 section:0].
                               [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:0 section:0];
NSArray indexPathsToAdd = @[[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:6 section:0],
                            [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:5 section:0]];

[self.tableView beginUpdates];

[self.numbers removeObjectAtIndex:3];
[self.numbers removeObjectAtIndex:0];

[self.numbers insertObject:@(10) atIndex:4];
[self.numbers insertObject:@(11) atIndex:5];

[self.tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths:indexPathsToAdd withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationAutomatic];
[self.tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:indexPathsToRemove withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationAutomatic];

[self.tableView endUpdates];
//final state of the data source ( numbers ) - 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11


Rules for this to work: 1. Changes must be made directly to the array that contains the items you re displaying in the UITableView. If you set some value in a UITableViewCell in the tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: method to equal values in self.expandableArray, then changes must also be made to self.expandableArray in order for these methods to work.

  1. changes to the array of items that are displayed in the tableView must be made in-between [tableView beginUpdates] and [tableView endUpdates]
  2. The count of the indexPaths array must equal the count of the additional items you re adding to the tableView (I think that s obvious, but it doesn t hurt to point that out)


    @interface MyTableViewController ()
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *expandableArray;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *indexPaths;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UITableView *myTableView;

@implementation MyTableViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [self setupArray];

- (void)setupArray
    self.expandableArray = @[@"One", @"Two", @"Three", @"Four", @"Five"].mutableCopy;

- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView
    return 1;

- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section
    return self.expandableArray.count;

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    //here you should create a cell that displays information from self.expandableArray, and return it

//call this method if your button/cell/whatever is tapped
- (void)didTapTriggerToChangeTableView
    if (/*some condition occurs that makes you want to expand the tableView*/) {
        [self expandArray]
    }else if (/*some other condition occurs that makes you want to retract the tableView*/){
        [self retractArray]

//this example adds 1 item
- (void)expandArray
    //create an array of indexPaths
    self.indexPaths = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    for (int i = theFirstIndexWhereYouWantToInsertYourAdditionalCells; i < theTotalNumberOfAdditionalCellsToInsert + theFirstIndexWhereYouWantToInsertYourAdditionalCells; i++) {
        [self.indexPaths addObject:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:i inSection:0]];

    //modify your array AND call insertRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation: INBETWEEN beginUpdates and endUpdates
    [self.myTableView beginUpdates];
    //HERE IS WHERE YOU NEED TO ALTER self.expandableArray to have the additional/new data values, eg:
    [self.expandableArray addObject:@"Six"];
    [self.myTableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths:self.indexPaths withRowAnimation:(UITableViewRowAnimationFade)];  //or a rowAnimation of your choice

    [self.myTableView endUpdates];

//this example removes all but the first 3 items
- (void)retractArray
    NSRange range;
    range.location = 3;
    range.length = self.expandableArray.count - 3;

    //modify your array AND call insertRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation: INBETWEEN beginUpdates and endUpdates
    [self.myTableView beginUpdates];
    [self.expandableArray removeObjectsInRange:range];
    [self.myTableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:self.indexPaths withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationFade];  //or a rowAnimation of your choice
    [self.myTableView endUpdates];


我希望这节省了许多人的时间和头痛。 如果你这样做的话,你就不必重载整个表格,以更新该词,并且你可以选择一个动画。 自由守则,不打脚。


[array addobject:@""];
[tableview reloaddata];

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