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与微软的Interop 准入与用户会议没有互动
原标题:Interop with Microsoft Access does not interact with User s session

我正在从Microsoft Access数据库中注入一部VBA代码。 净额。

这只是一条单一的法典,它运行着Macro。 所有的Macro都在一个模块内操作了VBA代码。

The issue I am having is that this all happens in a new MSAccess session, which I can t even see, instead of the session the user currently has open.

相反,这能否与目前的MSAccess会议用户互动? 整个要点是,在MSAccess会议内部就“网络”活动的每一场活动开放一种特殊形式。 我的C#守则如下:

using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access;

var msAccess = new Application();

msAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase(@"x:fooar.accdb", false);




using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices
    var msAccess = (Application)Marshal.GetActiveObject("Access.Application");
catch (COMException ex)
    // handle error

或者,如果不止一个正在运行,而且没有两个情况有相同的数据库,那么你可以使用<<>Marshal.Bind Toiker <<>:<

var msAccess = (Application) Marshal.BindToMoniker(@"x:fooar.accdb"); 

<>><>>说明: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/316126“rel=“nofollow” 微软知识基础: 必须指出:

Whether a COM server is Single Use (Multiple Instances) or Multiuse (Single Instance) might affect your decision to use GetActiveObject to get reference to that server. Because potentially more than one instance of Word, Excel, or Microsoft Access can be running, GetActiveObject on a particular server may return an instance that you did not expect. The instance that is first registered in the ROT is typically the instance that is returned by GetActiveObject. If you want to get an Automation Reference to a specific running instance of Word, Excel, or Microsoft Access, use BindToMoniker with the name of the file that is opened in that instance. For a Multiuse (Single Instance) server like PowerPoint, it does not matter, because the automation reference points to the same running instance.


To not get a new Access instance you will have to see if an instance already exists. Use Marshal.GetActiveObject as Matt suggested:

Application GetAccessApplication() {
  var application = (Application) Marshal.GetActiveObject("Access.Application");
  return application ?? new Application();



var msAccess = GetAccessApplication();
msAccess.Visible = true;

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