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是否有更好的工具与Oracleker开发商相比? [闭门]
原标题:Is there a better tool compared to Oracle SQL Developer? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.


Is there a different tool out there that really assists when building large packages/procedures/functions of PL/SQL code compared to Oracle s SQL developer 3? It would be great to get features like code completion, or to have the ability to CTRL-click a procedure name to quickly jump to a piece of code, and other nice features of this type?


PL/SQL Developer by AllroundAutomations its really good one. Provides all the basic features that other tools provides. And very good while debugging your stored procedures, functions and triggers. But it is also a licensed version. There are no. of add-ons are available which makes tool more powerful and You can customize your Plsql developer as shown in following links. here and here


我认为,Oraclealker的研制是制定PL/SQL代码的征兆,这是由Oracle org制作的免费软件,可能缺乏某些具体特征。 但它满足了大多数共同使用和功能。

Toad是一个更强大的工具,广泛使用。 但需要获得许可证。

PL/SQL developer was interesting to try out a couple years ago, but I m always finding myself doing a decent amount of DBA type work, and it wasn t very helpful with that. My DBA skills are not particularly strong, so that area, Toad and SQL Developer definitely come out ahead.

总而言之,我更喜欢Toad(尽管这可以成为一种资源 h,并且使你希望的一切努力成为一种痛苦)。 不同的版本(专门针对开发商的版本)可能适合你们。

I recently started a new job, and decided to give SQL Developer a run (this is primarily because Toad is expensive enough that some places won t spend the money on it...like my last job...so it seemed like a good idea to pick a tool I knew I d have everywhere). It certainly has its issues (it seems to be rather stubborn about breaking a connection if a query is running...but its possible thats a java thing), but it is free, lightweight, and gets the job done.

致: 此时此刻(对于可预见的未来而言),严格来说是32倍。 它搭建在64个轨道窗口箱上,连接64个轨道的Oracle数据库,但Oracle客户必须是32个轨道。

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