English 中文(简体)
原标题:change colors of table with javascript

I m trying to study for my exam and I thought I was doing this right... I want to change the color of the table (font or background) depending on which cell you click I thought I was referring to the table right, but this code isn t working... I have no idea what I m doing wrong, I d appreciate any help or explanation you can offer

     <script language="text/JavaScript">
            function changeFont(color){
                document.getElementbyId("miTabla").style.backgroundColor = color;
            function changeBack(color){
                 document.getLementbyId("miTabla").style.font.color = color;
         <header>Tabla de ejemplo</header>
         <table id="miTabla" border="2">
                <td onclick="changeFont( #FF0000 );">red</td>
                <td onclick="changeFont( #FFFF00 );">yellow</td>
                <td onclick="changeFont( #0000FF );">blue</td>
                <td onclick="changeBack( #FFFFFF );">white</td>
                <td onclick="changeBack( #808080 );">gray</td>
                <td onclick="changeBack( #000000 );">black</td>

更改getLementbyId getElementbyId getElementById和改动font.colorcolor/code>。

        function changeFont(color){
            document.getElementById("miTabla").style.color = color;
        function changeBack(color){
             document.getElementById("miTabla").style.backgroundColor = color;



设置<代码>后继场Color是正确的,但与font.color有关的内容是什么? 什么时候?

Just use Format.color.


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