English 中文(简体)
原标题:Difference between char *str and char str[]
  • 时间:2013-07-05 08:26:29
  •  标签:
  • c

我将同样的直观价值分配给点人和<条码>。 阵容

char *str = "hello" "world";  
char str1[] = "hello" "world";


sizeof(str);     //  on my computer, it s 8 !!
sizeof(str1);    //  return 11, which is right


", str, str1);

因此,sizeof(str);return a wrong Value?



这并不是因为<条码>>>通过斜体表示其歌剧的大小。 页: 1 C99标准(第869条草案)第2条:

www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc <sizeof营运人产生其歌剧体(以斜体表示)的大小,可能是一种表达方式或一种类型的母体名称。 大小由歌剧类型决定。 结果是愤怒的。 如果歌剧的类型是不同的系列,则对歌剧进行评价;否则,对歌剧不作评价,结果是惯性的。


sizeof(str)  == sizeof(char*)
sizeof(str1) == sizeof(char[11])

The first one is a pointer. You don t count the number of chars but the size of the pointer in memory. You need to understand the difference. char* point to a position in memory that you assume contains chars in a row. char[x] IS a position in memory which has x chars on a row there.


The variable str1 is an array of characters and as such cannot be reassigned and its size is related to the size of the array.

First one is pointer to char, other one is array. Pointer points to one char only, size is one byte.


http://www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 因此,您的<代码>sizeof()将退回不同的数值,并交回类型大小,而不是座标的长度。

您应使用<代码>strlen(),以检查地体大小。 铭记用<代码>strlen(>对每一条进行检测时,必须终止()。




char *ss = "hello";
char sa[6] = "hello";
char sc[6] = { h , e , l , l , o ,0x0};
printf("mem: %p  ",ss);
printf("mem: %p  ",sa);
printf("mem: %p  ",sc);

printf("size: %d  ",sizeof(ss));
printf("size: %d  ",sizeof(sa));
printf("size: %d  ",sizeof(sc));

printf("size: %x  ",sizeof(&ss));
printf("size: %x  ",sizeof(&sa));
printf("size: %x  ",sizeof(&sc));

printf("ptr: %d  ",sizeof(void*));
printf("chr: %d  ",sizeof(char));
printf("int: %d  ",sizeof(int));

//This will show some of the reason 
//that the sizeof operator returns 
//unexpected results.
//Note that the sizeof operator
//returns the size in bytes

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