English 中文(简体)
Simulate Random 人民步入会议室
原标题:Simulate Random People Walking into a Room


  • 共有100人:个人1、个人2、......人100。

  • 选择随机人员进入房间。

  • 另一步步步步入会议室的人根据最后走进会议室的人,任意选定其余人群。

  • 更接近刚刚步行的人的人的个人更有可能被选中。 更远的个人的概率较低(概率分配不一定是不对称)

  • 一旦一个人走进房间,他们就无法离开。

例如,如果17人步入房间,那么18人和16人就更愿意选择下班,而99人则选择下班的可能性较小。 这一可能性使你越走越了最后的人步入会议室。

这里是我写到的一个职能(https://math.stack Exchange.com/questions/4900283/randomly-ordering-people-waling-into-a-room):

calculate_probability <- function(S, L, x) {
      S <- S[S != L]

  if (!(x %in% S)) {
  numerator <- 1 / (abs(x - L) + 1)

  denominator <- sum(1 / (abs(S - L) + 1))
  probability <- numerator / denominator

# sanity check

S <- c(1:10)
L <- 8
x <- 8
probability <- calculate_probability(S, L, x)

# probabilities sum to 1

S <- c(1:10)
L <- 8

S <- S[S != L]

probabilities <- sapply(S, function(x) calculate_probability(S, L, x))



  • Imagine there are 100 people. A randomly selected person walks into the room.
  • I want to use this function to simulate the other 99 people walking into the room
  • I want to plot (i.e. ggplot2) the results (i.e. x-axis is the index and the y-axis is the number corresponding to each person)






calculate_probability <- function(S, L, x) {
    S <- S[S != L]
    if (!(x %in% S)) {
    numerator <- 1 / (abs(x - L) + 1)
    denominator <- sum(1 / (abs(S - L) + 1))
    probability <- numerator / denominator

simulate <- function(n) {
    S <- c(1:n)
    L <- sample(S, 1)
    result <- c(L)
    for (i in 2:n) {
        probabilities <- sapply(S, function(x) calculate_probability(S, L, x))
        L <- sample(S, 1, prob = probabilities)
        result <- c(result, L)
        S <- S[S != L]

result <- simulate(100)

df <- data.frame(index = 1:100, person = result)
ggplot(df, aes(x = index, y = person)) +
    geom_line() +
    labs(x = "Index", y = "Person") +

https://i.stack.imgur.com/R7PNg.png” rel=“nofollow noreferer”>。


 result[duplicated(result) | duplicated(result, fromLast = TRUE)]
[1] 25 25

最后一个人将具有确定性,因此,你可以到<代码>(n - 1),而不是n/code>。 另外,S <-S[S !=L]应当先在你计算概率之前,因为你已经选择了排外的第一人,而你不想在你为第二人进行的抽样框架中包含这一gu。 这可能说明为什么要重复。

simulate <- function(n) {
  S <- 1:n
  L <- sample(S, 1)
  result <- L
  for (i in 2:(n-1)) {
    # Remove the previous person from the sampling frame
    S <- S[S != L]
    probabilities <- sapply(S, function(x) calculate_probability(S, L, x))
    L <- sample(S, 1, prob = probabilities)
    result <- c(result, L)
  # The last guy must be selected with certainty
  result <- c(result, setdiff(1:n, result))

result <- simulate(100)


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