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原标题:Display the name of current user in the horizontal menu

I am using Asp.Net/C#.I am using Asp.Net s built-in Membership Framework.I have a requirement wherein the current(logged-in) user s name should be displayed in the horizontal menu towards the right side.The aspnet_Users table stores the UserName in the form of some code like ppp001 where as the actual name of the user For Example: John Smith is stored in the table which is linked to aspnet_Users table using a Foreign Key constraint.So my question is how do I display the users name from that table to my menu.Should I use repeater control. Any suggestions are welcome.




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<profile enabled="true">
        <add name="FirstName" type="string"/>
        <add name="LastName" type="string"/>

之后再贴上 your子或标签

   FirstName.Text = Profile.FirstName;
   LastName.Text = Profile.LastName;

使用简介提供者的不利之处在于,所有简介性特性都被混为一谈,因此很难对此提出质疑。 这样做的最好办法是,利用你提到的外国钥匙,创建自己的基地类别,呼吁数据库检索第一个名称和最后名称。 我通常把这套财产交给我的LobedInUser。 这样,你们的所有网页都可以通过这一途径获得。 页: 1



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