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原标题:Is a PHP Session acceptable with the new UK cookie law?

我只想就新的联合王国《库克群岛法律及其对公共卫生和社会福利部会议的影响。 我的理解是,在“非常必要”时,你不需要用户选择,所举的例子就是在购物车上添加一个项目。


然而,我感到困惑的原因是,我有一个会议——开端;在每一页的顶端,这意味着 co被 straight弄。 有些用户不会再使用接触表,因此这意味着 co子并非严格需要。




简单的答复是,你也许会 ,这一法律甚至在多大程度上得到执行,是一场激烈的辩论。

We will enforce the law proportionately. We’ll look at the risks if and when customers complain to us. If a websites’ cookie and privacy is a risk to many people, we may then take action.

There is a balance to be struck though, as not all cookies are equal, and our enforcement approach will bear this in mind.

For example, someone may complain about a cookie placed without their consent, but if it was just used to remember essential details rather than to gather information to be used for marketing purposes, then it may not be appropriate to act.

资料来源:国际奥委会关于欧盟遵守法律情况的Dave Evans。




在一个电子商务网站,人们认为,如果某个特定用户实际上在篮子上添加任何东西,那么在不要求许可的情况下,它会诱使与购物袋有关的 co具。

纽 约 总 部 大会事务和会议事务部印发 库克群岛与届会之间有许多差别。

For example, read here: http://php.about.com/od/learnphp/qt/session_cookie.htm

Also, if you read the law: http://www.bis.gov.uk/assets/biscore/business-sectors/docs/i/10-1132-implementing-revised-electronic-communications-framework-consultation.pdf

It says,

"The provisions of the amended Article 5(3) refer to any attempt to store information, or gain access to stored information, in a user’s equipment" (pg 57)


If you re able to store a PHP session cookie on a user s computer to enable the essential functionality of your website - what stops you then associating additional information with that visitor without their consent/knowledge..? (Apart from it being illegal.)

After all, all the information you store - except the cookie ID which is client side - is kept on the server side and the user can t do anything to view/modify this?

简言之,如果用户允许你在其电脑上储存一台PHP会议 co,那就没有任何东西可以阻止你储存其访问的其他数据? - IP、Browser、OS等

Having read GDPR and having knowledge of how sessions work in php I have to tell you this: 1. session_start() in php is called before headers because you cannot send additional headers (as php session does) after the page loads and headers have already finished. 2. Because this happens sessions in php is an essential thing of the language itself for the language to work properly so it is something you need. Not want. 3. A php session stores a cookie in the users machine with the session id to know the connection. Not the user. For example the server says "I have a request from someone. To not mix the requests from everyone keep an id of everyone". The person, ip, geolocation or any other data is not known at the time. To be clear of this session_start() not storing any other data but the session id is how the server side language php and the server itself works and it is not possible to have consent before you initialize it. 4. But: before storing any other data you have to inform. I believe you have to inform when you start doing it, how you do it, how long you do it and what you are storing. So no more tracking on guests. Third parties like google, facebook and other implementations on your page is another story. You should pretty much remove it for guests if third parties don t allready do.

简而言之:在主人之前开始开会对于综合企业来说是强制性的。 保存数据需要同意,这样,用户在数据库(供您使用)和厨师本身(供用户了解)中记录、登记或任何其他互动,并储存同意。

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