English 中文(简体)
持有 but子的AJCAR的开放式人民力量档案
原标题:Open PDF file by AJAX holding the button


我的表格是你选择产生一份PDF报告的参数,由浏览器开启的Stuts 1.x行动予以退回。 该系统的工作非常同步。


My choice was to create a function in AJAX (asynchronous call) to which this report was generated, and while this process does not answer me back I hide the button and show the "loading" and so has the return button I show and hide the "loading".



success: function (data) {
    WinID var = window.open (  ,  newwin ,  width = 400, height = 500 );
    WinId.document.open ();
    WinId.document.write (data);
    WinId.document.close ();


是否有办法利用 j或Dojo控制我的DIVs来打开国防军的档案?


传真 分散:

    <td colspan="3" align="center" valign="middle">
        <div id="button">
            <a href="javascript:execute();"> 
                <img src="images/btnExecute.png" alt="Execute" border="0" class="inputImage" /> 
        <div id="loadingImage">
            <img src= images/loading.gif  style="{align:right;}" />


function execute()
        url: "generateReport.do",
        data: "action=print&param1=param1",
        dataType: "html",
        beforeSend : function() {
            //It works
            $( #button ).hide();
            $( #loadingImage ).show();
        complete : function() {
            $( #button ).show();
            $( #loadingImage ).hide();
        success : function(data) {
            var WinId = window.open(  ,  newwin ,  width=400,height=500 );


function execute()
    //It works
    $( #button ).hide();
    $( #loadingImage ).show();

    var url = "generateReport.do?action=print&param1=param1";             

    require(["dojo/io/iframe"], function(ioIframe){
            url: url,
            handleAs: "html"
            //It only works when my page returns the html message "Empty report"
            $( #button ).show();
            $( #loadingImage ).hide();
        }, function(err){

http://strong>cannot。 你们的报告是什么。 确实是返回的,即怀疑其扣押。

你们需要做的是: 报告。 确实是一份载有pdf内容的临时档案,然后归还URL。 一旦有了URL,就将其放在你窗户的位置上。

  1. call generateReport.do
  2. function(data) holds "http://mydomain.tld/cached_contents/234kj82341.pdf" in data
  3. function(data) calls window.open(data, window_open_parameters);

这将使浏览器要么为人民抵抗力量的原始产品服务,要么 view。 我们不能通过javascript /dom这样做。

或者,在您的窗口中找到一种闪电 p或相似之处,文件.write, 放下了<条码>与;object src=“my_pdf_plugin”......></object>

function execute()
    // this is Not dojo, it looks like jQuery, see below onload function
    $( #button ).hide();
    $( #loadingImage ).show();

    var url = "generateReport.do?action=print&param1=param1";             

    require(["dojo/io/iframe"], function(ioIframe){
            url: url,

see handleAs: http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.7/dojo/io/iframe.html in your testcase (with handleAs:html), if returned data is not of content-type text/html it will be discarded - after trying to convert text/plain into an actual html-document

            handleAs: "text"
            //It only works when my page returns the html message "Empty report"
            $( #button ).show();
            $( #loadingImage ).hide();
        }, function(err){

dojo.addOnLoad(function() {

// this will create a disabled dojo button
require(["dijit/form/Button"], function(dijitButton) {
  var domNode = dojo.byId( button );
  var btn = new dijitButton({
     diabled: true,
     id:  PDFBUTTON ,
     label: domNode.innerHTML // default behavior even so, for show here
  }, domNode);

  // showcase:
  var enabled = true;
  dijit.byId( PDFBUTTON ).set("disabled", !enabled);



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