English 中文(简体)
QML ListView and List Model Index
原标题:QML ListView and ListModel index

I have a little problem with ListModel and ListView, in particular concerning the move function of ListModel. I will show you code snippets from the DynamicList example included in the SDK with some modifications just to debug it: Code:

  Item {     
   property alias nameText:  nameTextBox.text
        id: delegateItem
        width: listView.width; height: 55
        clip: true
        Row {
            anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
            spacing: 10
            Column {
                Image {
                    source: "content/pics/arrow-up.png"  
                    MouseArea {
                        anchors.fill: parent;

                        onClicked: {

                            var voice
                            var nameInModel
                            var nameInView

                            voice = listView.contentItem.children[1]
                            nameInModel = fruitModel.get(1).name

                            nameInView = voice.nameText

                            console.log("name before move in model at 1: "+nameInModel)
                            console.log("name before move in list at 1: "+nameInView)

                             fruitModel.move(index, index-1, 1)

                            voice = listView.contentItem.children[1]

                            nameInView = voice.nameText

                            nameInModel = fruitModel.get(1).name
                            console.log("name after move in model at 1: "+nameInModel)
                            console.log("name after move in list at 1: "+nameInView)


因此,在点击“相传/宇宙/甚长......png”图像时,模型中的一个项目被一个位置移,现在,例如有四个项目,以便“Apple”-“Banana”-“Cumqat”-“Durian”,这是结局的结果。 如果我点击“巴纳纳”的“上号”,将该项目移至第一个位置:

name before move in model at 1: Banana name before move in list at 1: Apple name after move in model at 1: Apple name after move in list at 1: Apple

This is what happens if I click on Apple (that now is in the 2nd place) to moving it to the 1st position:

name before move in model at 1: Apple name before move in list at 1: Apple name after move in model at 1: Banana name after move in list at 1: Apple

So, first of all it is evident that the first index of ListModel is 0 while the first index of ListView is 1, then it is evident that items in the model have been moved but items in the list have not. Now, this is my problem: Imagine that "name" is the text of a TextEdit, so the the ListView delegate includes a TextEdit and it can be edited by the user. If I want to take that text I know that I can do this: Code:

for (var i = 0; i <= myListView.count; i++){
     myItem= myListView.contentItem.children[i]
     myName = myListView.name

But here is the problem, in my ListView there is also the possibility to move the items by using the move function of ListModel but if I move items and I use the previous cycle to take the "name" nothing seems to change (exactly as in the DynamicList example). On the other hand, if I take the "name" by using:

  myName= myListModel.get(i).name


So, what I have to do to obtain a ListView with TextEdit and with the possibility to move itemsof which I can record any changment?

I hope I have been clear, Thank you very much, Giammarco



import QtQuick 2.0;

Rectangle {
    width: 400;
    height: 300;

    ListView {
        id: listTest;
        clip: true;
        currentIndex: -1;
        model: ListModel {
            id: modelTest;

            ListElement { name: "Banana"; }
            ListElement { name: "Apple";  }
            ListElement { name: "Orange"; }
            ListElement { name: "Pear";   }
        delegate: Item {
            id: item;
            height: 60;
            anchors {
                left: parent.left;
                right: parent.right;

            property bool isCurrent : (model.index === listTest.currentIndex);
            onIsCurrentChanged: {
                if (isCurrent) {
                    input.forceActiveFocus ();
                else {
                    input.focus = false;

            Text {
                id: label;
                font.pixelSize: 14;
                text: model.name;
                visible: !item.isCurrent;
                anchors {
                    left: parent.left;
                    right: btnUp.left;
                    margins: 20;
                    verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter;
            TextInput {
                id: input;
                text: model.name;
                visible: item.isCurrent;
                onTextChanged: { modelTest.setProperty (model.index, "name", text); }
                anchors {
                    left: parent.left;
                    right: btnUp.left;
                    margins: 20;
                    verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter;

                Rectangle {
                    z: -1;
                    radius: 5;
                    antialiasing: true;
                    border {
                        width: 1;
                        color: "blue";
                    anchors {
                        fill: parent;
                        margins: -5;
            MouseArea {
                id: clicker;
                anchors.fill: parent;
                visible: !item.isCurrent;
                onClicked: { listTest.currentIndex = model.index; }
            MouseArea {
                id: btnUp;
                width: height;
                anchors {
                    top: parent.top;
                    right: parent.right;
                    bottom: parent.verticalCenter;
                onClicked: {
                    if (model.index > 0) {
                        modelTest.move (model.index, model.index -1, 1);

                Text {
                    text: "V";
                    color: "gray";
                    rotation: -180;
                    anchors.centerIn: parent;
            MouseArea {
                id: btnDown;
                width: height;
                anchors {
                    top: parent.verticalCenter;
                    right: parent.right;
                    bottom: parent.bottom;
                onClicked: {
                    if (model.index < modelTest.count -1) {
                        modelTest.move (model.index, model.index +1, 1);

                Text {
                    text: "V";
                    color: "gray";
                    anchors.centerIn: parent;
            Rectangle {
                height: 1;
                color: "lightgray";
                anchors {
                    left: parent.left;
                    right: parent.right;
                    bottom: parent.bottom;
        anchors.fill: parent;

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