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原标题:delphi 7, installed component is hidden on installation

i 正在设计一个组成部分,用于<代码>delphi 7,并用于快速安装而无需触及。 IDE i 正在根据这一SO答案,通过,Marjan Venema

    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
      sDelphi7PackageName : string;
      sDelphi7Path,fileSource,fileDest : string;
      sDelphi7packBPL,sDelphi7PathMenuBPL  : string;
       sDelphi7Path:=ReadRegistryValues( SoftwareBorlandDelphi7.0 ,FALSE, RootDir ,1,TRUE);{<-- returns the  C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7  }

      {#1. Install .bpl}
      sDelphi7BPL:=sDelphi7Path+ ProjectsBplPack.bpl ;
      WriteValueToRegisTry( SoftwareBorlandDelphi7.0Known   Packages ,FALSE,sDelphi7BPL, Delphi 7 compo Bpl File ); {<-- writes to the registry}

      fileSource:=ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName)+ PackagescomPack.bpl ;
      CopyFile(PChar(fileSource), PChar(fileDest), False);

This works fine ![enter image description here][2] C:Program FilesBorlandDelphi7ProjectsBplPack.bpl. but the component installed id hidden

任何人都可以告诉我如何打上<条码>。 <代码>component关于安装?


may be useful:

(1) i 本构成部分的<编码>bpl文档,即直接拷贝至delphi 7目录>C:Program filesBorlandDelphi7 Projects Bpl和修改登记册HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareBorlandDelphi7.0Known Packs

2) the register procedure of the component

 procedure Register;
      RegisterComponents( comp , [Tcomp]);

In the registry, under HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareBorlandDelphi7.0Palette, find the entry named comp.Hidden and edit it to remove the class name of your component (or delete the entry altogether).



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