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页: 1
原标题:SQL Sum of Sums

我在不同的表格中计算了计数总额。 这是每张<代码>的两次。 现在我想得到这两笔款项。


    SELECT SUM((COUNT (BookingID) * CategoryPrice)) AS TotalAmount
    FROM Booking, Production
    WHERE Booking.PerformanceID IN(SELECT PerformanceID FROM Performance WHERE PerformanceID =  1 )
    and Production.ProductionID IN 
    (SELECT ProductionID FROM Performance WHERE PerformanceID =  1 ) 
    GROUP BY BookingID, CategoryPrice
    SELECT SUM((COUNT (BookingID) * CategoryPrice)) AS TotalAmount
    FROM Booking, Production
    WHERE Booking.PerformanceID IN(SELECT PerformanceID FROM Performance WHERE PerformanceID =  2 )
    and Production.ProductionID IN 
    (SELECT ProductionID FROM Performance WHERE PerformanceID =  2 )
     GROUP BY BookingID, CategoryPrice







SELECT SUM( (COUNT(BookingID) * CategoryPrice) ) AS TotalAmount
  FROM Booking
     , Production
 WHERE Booking.PerformanceID IN ( SELECT PerformanceID 
                                   FROM Performance 
                                  WHERE PerformanceID =  1 )
   AND Production.ProductionID IN ( SELECT ProductionID FROM Performance 
                                     WHERE PerformanceID =  1 ) 
 GROUP BY BookingID, CategoryPrice
SELECT SUM( (COUNT(BookingID) * CategoryPrice)) AS TotalAmount
  FROM Booking
     , Production
 WHERE Booking.PerformanceID IN ( SELECT PerformanceID 
                                    FROM Performance 
                                   WHERE PerformanceID =  2 )
   AND Production.ProductionID IN ( SELECT ProductionID 
                                      FROM Performance 
                                     WHERE PerformanceID =  2 )
 GROUP BY BookingID, CategoryPrice


  1. You re doing a cartesian join between booking and production, this means that you multiply the number of rows in each by each other.
  2. Your sub-selects on performance are returning one value, which is already known. There s no reason to do them at all.
  3. You re implicitly converting numbers into strings and back into numbers again.
  4. You re scanning a table or index 8 times here!


SELECT SUM(bookings * CategoryPrice)
  FROM ( SELECT CategoryPrice , count(*) as bookings
           FROM Booking b
           JOIN performance per
             ON p.performanceid =  per.performanceid
           JOIN Production p
             ON p.productionid = per.productionid
          WHERE p.performanceid in (1, 2)
          GROUP BY CategoryPrice

Please note the explicit join syntax, this has been around for a few decades, makes things a lot clearer and helps stop mistakes. This query will do two range scans, one of booking and one of production, assuming you have indexes on performanceid on both tables. It ll also do a unique scan of performance assuming that performanceid is the primary key of this table.

作为对这项工作的解释,我现在最后设法使你的计划正确! 我们选择两种性能:12。 然后,我们选择与这些生产有关的每一种生产,并选择与这些生产相关的所有图书。 您可以进一步简化,这取决于表<代码>price。 然后,我们拿到每个<代码>price的账号,并将这些账面产品的总价值计算出来。

作为建议的一部分,我谨always建议了解您期望从<>>之前的查询中恢复哪些价值。 最好能够并且确实犯错。 由于你能够看到回归的数值不正确,能够赶上这些数值,将会有所帮助。

Further Reading:


1. 使用亚,和总额

SELECT SUM(TotalAmount)
   ( SELECT SUM((COUNT (BookingID) * CategoryPrice)) AS TotalAmount
        FROM Booking, Production
        WHERE Booking.PerformanceID IN(SELECT PerformanceID FROM Performance WHERE PerformanceID =  1 )
        and Production.ProductionID IN 
        (SELECT ProductionID FROM Performance WHERE PerformanceID =  1 ) 
        GROUP BY BookingID, CategoryPrice
        UNION ALL
        SELECT SUM((COUNT (BookingID) * CategoryPrice)) AS TotalAmount
        FROM Booking, Production
        WHERE Booking.PerformanceID IN(SELECT PerformanceID FROM Performance WHERE PerformanceID =  2 )
        and Production.ProductionID IN 
        (SELECT ProductionID FROM Performance WHERE PerformanceID =  2 )
Group By CategoryPrice)

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