English 中文(简体)
这里的错误是什么? 删除一个名字、联系名单
原标题:Whats the mistake here? deleting a node, linked list,
  • 时间:2012-05-06 15:07:39
  •  标签:
  • c

I wrote this code,and I d like to know whats my problem, if u can help me fix my code insted of writting one of ur own, it d help me a lot... Edit: I ve changed it to this, and now it doesnt give me a run time error, but when I print the name, or check if the node exists, it says it is...

void node_delete(friend *amit) // Deleting a node
 friend* temp;
 int flag = 0;
 while (head != NULL) // As long the node isnt the last one
       if (0 == (strcmp(head -> next -> name, amit -> name))) // If the name that the user entered matchs a name in the linked list,
       { // It ll skip it
            temp = head -> next;
             head -> next = head -> next -> next; // Deletes a node from the linked list
             flag = 1;
       if (flag == 1) break;
       head = head -> next; // Going to the next node
 free(temp); // Freeing the deleted node
 printf ("%s
", amit -> name);


amit.name = "amit"
amit.age = 16
amit.gender =  m 


typedef struct friend // The struct
   char *name; 
   int age;
   char gender; 
   struct friend* next; // A pointer that points to the next node in the linked list




 head = amit;
 head -> next = amit;  // same as amit->next = amit;
 amit -> next = NULL;  // same as head->next = null;
 while (head -> next != NULL) // will never do anything since head->next is null
void node_delete(char *name)
 friend *tmp, **p;

 for (pp = &root; (tmp = *pp) ; pp = &tmp->next) 
     if (strcmp(tmp->name, name)) continue; // No match: walk on
     printf("Deleted %s
", tmp->name);
     *pp = temp->next;

(assuming a global root pointer to the head of the linked list) To be called like:

friend *head = NULL;


add(data) {
  friend *next = malloc(sizeof(bla));
  fill(next, data);

  if (head == NULL) 
    head = next; 
  else {
    next->next = head;
    head = next;

del(data) {
  if (head) {
    if (your_check(head, data)) {
       to_free = head;
       head = head->next;
    } else {
      friend *list = head;
      while (list->next) {
        if (your_check(list->next, data)) {
          to_free = list->next;
          list->next = list->next->next;
        list = list->next;

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