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Cos2d Rocking Animation with CCRotateBy?
原标题:Cocos2d Rocking Animation with CCRotateBy?


我的间谍活动是,我想把45度轮到左边,再次集中起来,然后将大约45度轮到右边。 motion像一个岩石动议。


As it is right now, when I touch anywhere on the screen it rotates, 360 degrees (360 degrees for testing) but every time I tap the screen I get a new sprite.

我的问题是一个问题,当我谈到它将执行我之后的令人振奋的动议时,我如何提出这一问题? 如果没有新的rite,我就每当着屏幕。


You can check which sprite the UITouch is on (by checking whether the point of touch is in each sprite s rect) and start the animation in ccTouchesBegan or ccTouchesEnded according to your requirements. You can have a look at the "TouchesTest" example included with the cocos2d.


CCAction *action = [CCSequence actions:
                    [CCRotateBy actionWithDuration:0.25 angle:-45],
                    [CCRotateBy actionWithDuration:0.5 angle:90],
                    [CCRotateBy actionWithDuration:0.25 angle:-45],
[theSprite runAction:action];


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